Consider a branching random walk on the real line with an killing barrier at zero: starting from a nonnegative point, particles reproduce and move independently, but are killed when they touch the negative half-line. The population of the killed branching random walk dies out almost surely in both critical and subcritical cases, where by subcritical case we mean that the rightmost particle of the branching random walk without killing has a negative speed and by critical case when this speed is zero....
We consider a catalytic branching random walk on that branches at the origin only. In the supercritical regime we establish a law of large number for the maximal position : For some constant , almost surely on the set of infinite number of visits of the origin. Then we determine all possible limiting laws for as goes to infinity.
Consider a discrete-time one-dimensional supercritical branching random walk. We study the probability that there exists an infinite ray in the branching random walk that always lies above the line of slope − , where denotes the asymptotic speed of the right-most position in the branching random walk. Under mild general assumptions upon the distribution of the branching random walk, we prove that when → 0, this probability decays like exp{−(+o(1)) / 1/2}, where is a positive constant depending...
We prove the Einstein relation, relating the velocity under a small perturbation to the diffusivity in equilibrium, for certain biased random walks on Galton–Watson trees. This provides the first example where the Einstein relation is proved for motion in random media with arbitrarily slow traps.
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