On the propositional system A of Sobocinski
T. Almada and J. Vaz de Carvalho (2001) stated the problem to investigate if these Łukasiewicz algebras are algebras of some logic system. In this article an affirmative answer is given and the -propositional calculus, denoted by , is introduced in terms of the binary connectives (implication), (standard implication), (conjunction), (disjunction) and the unary ones (negation) and , (generalized Moisil operators). It is proved that belongs to the class of standard systems of implicative...
Modal pseudocomplemented De Morgan algebras (or mpM-algebras) were investigated in A. V. Figallo, N. Oliva, A. Ziliani, Modal pseudocomplemented De Morgan algebras, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica 53, 1 (2014), pp. 65–79, and they constitute a proper subvariety of the variety of pseudocomplemented De Morgan algebras satisfying xΛ(∼x)* = (∼(xΛ(∼x)*))* studied by H. Sankappanavar in 1987. In this paper the study of these algebras is continued. More precisely, new characterizations...
Modal pseudocomplemented De Morgan algebras (or -algebras for short) are investigated in this paper. This new equational class of algebras was introduced by A. V. Figallo and P. Landini ([Figallo, A. V., Landini, P.: Notes on -valued modal algebras Preprints del Instituto de Ciencias Básicas, Univ. Nac. de San Juan 1 (1990), 28–37.]) and they constitute a proper subvariety of the variety of all pseudocomplemented De Morgan algebras satisfying . Firstly, a topological duality for these algebras...
Some functional representation theorems for monadic -valued Łukasiewicz algebras (qLk-algebras, for short) are given. Bearing in mind some of the results established by G. Georgescu and C. Vraciu (Algebre Boole monadice si algebre Łukasiewicz monadice, Studii Cercet. Mat. 23 (1971), 1027–1048) and P. Halmos (Algebraic Logic, Chelsea, New York, 1962), two functional representation theorems for qLk-algebras are obtained. Besides, rich qLk-algebras are introduced and characterized. In addition,...
A topological duality for monadic -valued Łukasiewicz algebras introduced by M. Abad (Abad, M.: Estructuras cíclica y monádica de un álgebra de Łukasiewicz -valente. Notas de Lógica Matemática 36. Instituto de Matemática. Universidad Nacional del Sur, 1988) is determined. When restricted to the category of -distributive lattices and -homomorphims, it coincides with the duality obtained by R. Cignoli in 1991. A new characterization of congruences by means of certain closed and involutive subsets...
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