Displaying similar documents to “A Bochner type theorem for inductive limits of Gelfand pairs”

The higher transvectants are redundant

Abdelmalek Abdesselam, Jaydeep Chipalkatti (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let A , B denote generic binary forms, and let 𝔲 r = ( A , B ) r denote their r -th transvectant in the sense of classical invariant theory. In this paper we classify all the quadratic syzygies between the { 𝔲 r } . As a consequence, we show that each of the higher transvectants { 𝔲 r : r 2 } is redundant in the sense that it can be completely recovered from 𝔲 0 and 𝔲 1 . This result can be geometrically interpreted in terms of the incomplete Segre imbedding. The calculations rely upon the Cauchy exact sequence of S L 2 -representations,...

Generalized descent algebra and construction of irreducible characters of hyperoctahedral groups

Cédric Bonnafé, Christophe Hohlweg (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We construct a subalgebra Σ ( W n ) of dimension 2 · 3 n - 1 of the group algebra of the Weyl group W n of type B n containing its usual Solomon algebra and the one of 𝔖 n : Σ ( W n ) is nothing but the Mantaci-Reutenauer algebra but our point of view leads us to a construction of a surjective morphism of algebras Σ ( W n ) Z Irr ( W n ) . Jöllenbeck’s construction of irreducible characters of the symmetric group by using the coplactic equivalence classes can then be transposed to W n . In an appendix, P. Baumann and C. Hohlweg present in an...

Effective equidistribution of S-integral points on symmetric varieties

Yves Benoist, Hee Oh (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let K be a global field of characteristic not 2. Let Z = H G be a symmetric variety defined over K and S a finite set of places of K . We obtain counting and equidistribution results for the S-integral points of Z . Our results are effective when K is a number field.

Combinatorial and group-theoretic compactifications of buildings

Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace, Jean Lécureux (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let X be a building of arbitrary type. A compactification 𝒞 sph ( X ) of the set Res sph ( X ) of spherical residues of X is introduced. We prove that it coincides with the horofunction compactification of Res sph ( X ) endowed with a natural combinatorial distance which we call the . Points of 𝒞 sph ( X ) admit amenable stabilisers in Aut ( X ) and conversely, any amenable subgroup virtually fixes a point in 𝒞 sph ( X ) . In addition, it is shown that, provided Aut ( X ) is transitive enough, this compactification also coincides with the group-theoretic...