Displaying similar documents to “A remark on product of Dirichlet L-functions”

Thick subcategories of the stable module category

D. Benson, Jon Carlson, Jeremy Rickard (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We study the thick subcategories of the stable category of finitely generated modules for the principal block of the group algebra of a finite group G over a field of characteristic p. In case G is a p-group we obtain a complete classification of the thick subcategories. The same classification works whenever the nucleus of the cohomology variety is zero. In case the nucleus is nonzero, we describe some examples which lead us to believe that there are always infinitely many thick subcategories...

Phantom maps and purity in modular representation theory, I

D. Benson, G. Gnacadja (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let k be a field and G a finite group. By analogy with the theory of phantom maps in topology, a map f : M → ℕ between kG-modules is said to be phantom if its restriction to every finitely generated submodule of M factors through a projective module. We investigate the relationships between the theory of phantom maps, the algebraic theory of purity, and Rickard's idempotent modules. In general, adding one to the pure global dimension of kG gives an upper bound for the number of phantoms...