Displaying similar documents to “Observer design using a partial nonlinear observer canonical form”

Observer design for a class of nonlinear system in cascade with counter-convecting transport dynamics

Xiushan Cai, Linling Liao, Junfeng Zhang, Wei Zhang (2016)



Observer design for ODE-PDE cascades is studied where the finite-dimension ODE is a globally Lipschitz nonlinear system, while the PDE part is a pair of counter-convecting transport dynamics. One major difficulty is that the state observation only rely on the PDE state at the terminal boundary, the connection point between the ODE and the PDE blocs is not accessible to measure. Combining the backstepping infinite-dimensional transformation with the high gain observer technology, the...

Nonlinear observers for locally uniformly observable systems

Hassan Hammouri, M. Farza (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


This paper deals with the observability analysis and the observer synthesis of a class of nonlinear systems. In the single output case, it is known [4-6] that systems which are observable independently of the inputs, admit an observable canonical form. These systems are called uniformly observable systems. Moreover, a high gain observer for these systems can be designed on the basis of this canonical form. In this paper, we extend the above results to multi-output uniformly observable systems....

State estimation for a class of nonlinear systems

Benoît Schwaller, Denis Ensminger, Birgitta Dresp-Langley, José Ragot (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


We propose a new type of Proportional Integral (PI) state observer for a class of nonlinear systems in continuous time which ensures an asymptotic stable convergence of the state estimates. Approximations of nonlinearity are not necessary to obtain such results, but the functions must be, at least locally, of the Lipschitz type. The obtained state variables are exact and robust against noise. Naslin's damping criterion permits synthesizing gains in an algebraically simple and efficient...

Observer design for systems with unknown inputs

Stefen Hui, Stanisław Żak (2005)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


Design procedures are proposed for two different classes of observers for systems with unknown inputs. In the first approach, the state of the observed system is decomposed into known and unknown components. The unknown component is a projection, not necessarily orthogonal, of the whole state along the subspace in which the available state component resides. Then, a dynamical system to estimate the unknown component is constructed. Combining the output of the dynamical system, which...

On the state observation and stability for uncertain nonlinear systems

Mohamed Ali Hammami (2000)



In this paper, we treat the class of nonlinear uncertain dynamic systems that was considered in [3,2,1,4]. We consider continuous-time dynamical systems whose nominal part is linear and whose uncertain part is norm-bounded. We study the problems of state observation and obtaining stabilizing controller for uncertain nonlinear systems, where the uncertainties are characterized by known bounds.

A variable structure observer for the control of robot manipulators

Abdelkader Abdessameud, Mohamed Khelfi (2006)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


This paper deals with the application of a variable structure observer developed for a class of nonlinear systems to solve the trajectory tracking problem for rigid robot manipulators. The analyzed approach to observer design proposes a simple design methodology for systems having completely observable linear parts and bounded nonlinearities andor uncertainties. This observer is basically the conventional Luenberger observer with an additional switching term that is used to guarantee...