Displaying similar documents to “On separately subharmonic functions (Lelong’s problem)”

Generalized Hölder type spaces of harmonic functions in the unit ball and half space

Alexey Karapetyants, Joel Esteban Restrepo (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We study spaces of Hölder type functions harmonic in the unit ball and half space with some smoothness conditions up to the boundary. The first type is the Hölder type space of harmonic functions with prescribed modulus of continuity ω = ω ( h ) and the second is the variable exponent harmonic Hölder space with the continuity modulus | h | λ ( · ) . We give a characterization of functions in these spaces in terms of the behavior of their derivatives near the boundary.

Duality on vector-valued weighted harmonic Bergman spaces

Salvador Pérez-Esteva (1996)

Studia Mathematica


We study the duals of the spaces A p α ( X ) of harmonic functions in the unit ball of n with values in a Banach space X, belonging to the Bochner L p space with weight ( 1 - | x | ) α , denoted by L p α ( X ) . For 0 < α < p-1 we construct continuous projections onto A p α ( X ) providing a decomposition L p α ( X ) = A p α ( X ) + M p α ( X ) . We discuss the conditions on p, α and X for which A p α ( X ) * = A q α ( X * ) and M p α ( X ) * = M q α ( X * ) , 1/p+1/q = 1. The last equality is equivalent to the Radon-Nikodým property of X*.

On the fusion problem for degenerate elliptic equations II

Stephen M. Buckley, Pekka Koskela (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let F be a relatively closed subset of a Euclidean domain Ω . We investigate when solutions u to certain elliptic equations on Ω F are restrictions of solutions on all of Ω . Specifically, we show that if F is not too large, and u has a suitable decay rate near F , then u can be so extended.

A class of functions containing polyharmonic functions in ℝⁿ

V. Anandam, M. Damlakhi (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Some properties of the functions of the form v ( x ) = i = 0 m | x | i h i ( x ) in ℝⁿ, n ≥ 2, where each h i is a harmonic function defined outside a compact set, are obtained using the harmonic measures.

On the order of starlikeness and convexity of complex harmonic functions with a two-parameter coefficient condition

Agnieszka Sibelska (2010)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


The article of J. Clunie and T. Sheil-Small [3], published in 1984, intensified the investigations of complex functions harmonic in the unit disc Δ . In particular, many papers about some classes of complex mappings with the coefficient conditions have been published. Consideration of this type was undertaken in the period 1998–2004 by Y. Avci and E. Złotkiewicz [2], A. Ganczar [5], Z. J. Jakubowski, G. Adamczyk, A. Łazinska and A. Sibelska [1], [8], [7], H. Silverman [12] and J. M. Jahangiri...

Complex Ginzburg-Landau equations in high dimensions and codimension two area minimizing currents

Fanghua Lin, Tristan Rivière (1999)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


There is an obvious topological obstruction for a finite energy unimodular harmonic extension of a S 1 -valued function defined on the boundary of a bounded regular domain of R n . When such extensions do not exist, we use the Ginzburg-Landau relaxation procedure. We prove that, up to a subsequence, a sequence of Ginzburg-Landau minimizers, as the coupling parameter tends to infinity, converges to a unimodular harmonic map away from a codimension-2 minimal current minimizing the area within...

Harmonic measures for symmetric stable processes

Jang-Mei Wu (2002)

Studia Mathematica


Let D be an open set in ℝⁿ (n ≥ 2) and ω(·,D) be the harmonic measure on D c with respect to the symmetric α-stable process (0 < α < 2) killed upon leaving D. We study inequalities on volumes or capacities which imply that a set S on ∂D has zero harmonic measure and others which imply that S has positive harmonic measure. In general, it is the relative sizes of the sets S and D c S that determine whether ω(S,D) is zero or positive.

Invariant harmonic unit vector fields on the oscillator groups

Na Xu, Ju Tan (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We find all the left-invariant harmonic unit vector fields on the oscillator groups. Besides, we determine the associated harmonic maps from the oscillator group into its unit tangent bundle equipped with the associated Sasaki metric. Moreover, we investigate the stability and instability of harmonic unit vector fields on compact quotients of four dimensional oscillator group G 1 ( 1 ) .

Hörmander systems and harmonic morphisms

Elisabetta Barletta (2003)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze


Given a Hörmander system X = { X 1 , , X m } on a domain Ω 𝐑 n we show that any subelliptic harmonic morphism φ from Ω into a ν -dimensional riemannian manifold N is a (smooth) subelliptic harmonic map (in the sense of J. Jost & C-J. Xu, [9]). Also φ is a submersion provided that ν m and X has rank m . If Ω = 𝐇 n (the Heisenberg group) and X = 1 2 L α + L α ¯ , 1 2 i L α - L α ¯ , where L α ¯ = / z ¯ α - i z α / t is the Lewy operator, then a smooth map φ : Ω N is a subelliptic harmonic morphism if and only if φ π : ( C ( 𝐇 n ) , F θ 0 ) N is a harmonic morphism, where S 1 C ( 𝐇 n ) π 𝐇 n is the canonical circle bundle and F θ 0 ...