Subharmonic bifurcation in equivariant systems
Vanderbauwhede, A.
Vanderbauwhede, A.
Marcin Styborski (2012)
Open Mathematics
The paper is concerned with the Morse equation for flows in a representation of a compact Lie group. As a consequence of this equation we give a relationship between the equivariant Conley index of an isolated invariant set of the flow given by .x = −∇f(x) and the gradient equivariant degree of ∇f. Some multiplicity results are also presented.
S. Klimek, W. Kondracki, W. Oledzki, P. Sadowski (1988)
Compositio Mathematica
László Fehér, Zsolt Patakfalvi (2009)
Open Mathematics
R. Rimányi defined the incidence class of two singularities η and ζ as [η]|ζ, the restriction of the Thom polynomial of η to ζ. He conjectured that (under mild conditions) [η]|ζ ≠ 0 ⇔ ζ ⊂ . Generalizing this notion we define the incidence class of two orbits η and ζ of a representation. We give a sufficient condition (positivity) for ζ to have the property that [η]|ζ ≠ 0 ⇔ ζ ⊂ for any other orbit η. We show that for many interesting cases, e.g. the quiver representations of Dynkin...
Milan Medveď (1990)
Mathematica Slovaca
Sergey Antonyan (2009)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
Let G be a locally compact Hausdorff group. We study equivariant absolute (neighborhood) extensors (G-AE's and G-ANE's) in the category G-ℳ of all proper G-spaces that are metrizable by a G-invariant metric. We first solve the linearization problem for proper group actions by proving that each X ∈ G-ℳ admits an equivariant embedding in a Banach G-space L such that L∖{0} is a proper G-space and L∖{0} ∈ G-AE. This implies that in G-ℳ the notions of G-A(N)E and G-A(N)R coincide. Our embedding...
Thomas Bartsch (1997)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Analyse non linéaire