Displaying similar documents to “A duality result for moduli spaces of semistable sheaves supported on projective curves”

Symplectic structures on moduli spaces of framed sheaves on surfaces

Francesco Sala (2012)

Open Mathematics


We provide generalizations of the notions of Atiyah class and Kodaira-Spencer map to the case of framed sheaves. Moreover, we construct closed two-forms on the moduli spaces of framed sheaves on surfaces. As an application, we define a symplectic structure on the moduli spaces of framed sheaves on some birationally ruled surfaces.

The stack of microlocal perverse sheaves

Ingo Waschkies (2004)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


In this paper we construct the abelian stack of microlocal perverse sheaves on the projective cotangent bundle of a complex manifold. Following ideas of Andronikof we first consider microlocal perverse sheaves at a point using classical tools from microlocal sheaf theory. Then we will use Kashiwara-Schapira’s theory of analytic ind-sheaves to globalize our construction. This presentation allows us to formulate explicitly a global microlocal Riemann-Hilbert correspondence.

Algebraic complete integrability of an integrable system of Beauville

Jun-Muk Hwang, Yasunari Nagai (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We show that the Beauville’s integrable system on a ten dimensional moduli space of sheaves on a K3 surface constructed via a moduli space of stable sheaves on cubic threefolds is algebraically completely integrable, using O’Grady’s construction of a symplectic resolution of the moduli space of sheaves on a K3.

Fourier Mukai transforms and applications to string theory.

Björn Andreas, Daniel Hernández Ruipérez (2005)



El artículo es una introducción a la transformación de Fourier-Mukai y sus aplicaciones a varios problemas de móduli, teoría de cuerdas y simetría "mirror". Se desarrollan los fundamentos necesarios para las transformaciones de Fourier-Mukai, entre ellos las categorías derivadas y los functores integrales. Se explican además sus versiones relativas, que se necesitan para precisar la noción de T-dualidad fibrada en variedades de Calabi-Yau elípticas de dimensión tres. Se consideran también...