Displaying similar documents to “Periodic boundary value problem of a fourth order differential inclusion”

Selivanovski hard sets are hard

Janusz Pawlikowski (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let H Z 2 ω . For n ≥ 2, we prove that if Selivanovski measurable functions from 2 ω to Z give as preimages of H all Σₙ¹ subsets of 2 ω , then so do continuous injections.

On boundary value problems for systems of nonlinear generalized ordinary differential equations

Malkhaz Ashordia (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A general theorem (principle of a priori boundedness) on solvability of the boundary value problem d x = d A ( t ) · f ( t , x ) , h ( x ) = 0 is established, where f : [ a , b ] × n n is a vector-function belonging to the Carathéodory class corresponding to the matrix-function A : [ a , b ] n × n with bounded total variation components, and h : BV s ( [ a , b ] , n ) n is a continuous operator. Basing on the mentioned principle of a priori boundedness, effective criteria are obtained for the solvability of the system under the condition x ( t 1 ( x ) ) = ( x ) · x ( t 2 ( x ) ) + c 0 , where t i : BV s ( [ a , b ] , n ) [ a , b ] ( i = 1 , 2 ) and : BV s ( [ a , b ] , n ) n are continuous...

Some properties of algebras of real-valued measurable functions

Ali Akbar Estaji, Ahmad Mahmoudi Darghadam (2023)

Archivum Mathematicum


Let M ( X , 𝒜 ) ( M * ( X , 𝒜 ) ) be the f -ring of all (bounded) real-measurable functions on a T -measurable space ( X , 𝒜 ) , let M K ( X , 𝒜 ) be the family of all f M ( X , 𝒜 ) such that coz ( f ) is compact, and let M ( X , 𝒜 ) be all f M ( X , 𝒜 ) that { x X : | f ( x ) | 1 n } is compact for any n . We introduce realcompact subrings of M ( X , 𝒜 ) , we show that M * ( X , 𝒜 ) is a realcompact subring of M ( X , 𝒜 ) , and also M ( X , 𝒜 ) is a realcompact if and only if ( X , 𝒜 ) is a compact measurable space. For every nonzero real Riesz map ϕ : M ( X , 𝒜 ) , we prove that there is an element x 0 X such that ϕ ( f ) = f ( x 0 ) for every f M ( X , 𝒜 ) if ( X , 𝒜 ) is a compact measurable space....

L₁-uniqueness of degenerate elliptic operators

Derek W. Robinson, Adam Sikora (2011)

Studia Mathematica


Let Ω be an open subset of d with 0 ∈ Ω. Furthermore, let H Ω = - i , j = 1 d i c i j j be a second-order partial differential operator with domain C c ( Ω ) where the coefficients c i j W l o c 1 , ( Ω ̅ ) are real, c i j = c j i and the coefficient matrix C = ( c i j ) satisfies bounds 0 < C(x) ≤ c(|x|)I for all x ∈ Ω. If 0 d s s d / 2 e - λ μ ( s ) ² < for some λ > 0 where μ ( s ) = 0 s d t c ( t ) - 1 / 2 then we establish that H Ω is L₁-unique, i.e. it has a unique L₁-extension which generates a continuous semigroup, if and only if it is Markov unique, i.e. it has a unique L₂-extension which generates a submarkovian semigroup....

Cobham's theorem for substitutions

Fabien Durand (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


The seminal theorem of Cobham has given rise during the last 40 years to a lot of work about non-standard numeration systems and has been extended to many contexts. In this paper, as a result of fifteen years of improvements, we obtain a complete and general version for the so-called substitutive sequences. Let α and β be two multiplicatively independent Perron numbers. Then a sequence x A , where A is a finite alphabet, is both α -substitutive and β -substitutive if and only if x is ultimately...

Some theorems of Korovkin type

Tomoko Hachiro, Takateru Okayasu (2003)

Studia Mathematica


We take another approach to the well known theorem of Korovkin, in the following situation: X, Y are compact Hausdorff spaces, M is a unital subspace of the Banach space C(X) (respectively, C ( X ) ) of all complex-valued (resp., real-valued) continuous functions on X, S ⊂ M a complex (resp., real) function space on X, ϕₙ a sequence of unital linear contractions from M into C(Y) (resp., C ( Y ) ), and ϕ a linear isometry from M into C(Y) (resp., C ( Y ) ). We show, under the assumption that Π N Π T , where Π N is...

Existence of positive solutions for second order m-point boundary value problems

Ruyun Ma (2002)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let α,β,γ,δ ≥ 0 and ϱ:= γβ + αγ + αδ > 0. Let ψ(t) = β + αt, ϕ(t) = γ + δ - γt, t ∈ [0,1]. We study the existence of positive solutions for the m-point boundary value problem ⎧u” + h(t)f(u) = 0, 0 < t < 1, ⎨ α u ( 0 ) - β u ' ( 0 ) = i = 1 m - 2 a i u ( ξ i ) γ u ( 1 ) + δ u ' ( 1 ) = i = 1 m - 2 b i u ( ξ i ) , where ξ i ( 0 , 1 ) , a i , b i ( 0 , ) (for i ∈ 1,…,m-2) are given constants satisfying ϱ - i = 1 m - 2 a i ϕ ( ξ i ) > 0 , ϱ - i = 1 m - 2 b i ψ ( ξ i ) > 0 and Δ : = - i = 1 m - 2 a i ψ ( ξ i ) ϱ - i = 1 m - 2 a i ϕ ( ξ i ) ϱ - i = 1 m - 2 b i ψ ( ξ i ) - i = 1 m - 2 b i ϕ ( ξ i ) < 0 . We show the existence of positive solutions if f is either superlinear or sublinear by a simple application of a fixed point theorem in cones. Our result extends a result established by Erbe and...

On the uniqueness of periodic decomposition

Viktor Harangi (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let a , . . . , a k be arbitrary nonzero real numbers. An ( a , . . . , a k ) -decomposition of a function f:ℝ → ℝ is a sum f + + f k = f where f i : is an a i -periodic function. Such a decomposition is not unique because there are several solutions of the equation h + + h k = 0 with h i : a i -periodic. We will give solutions of this equation with a certain simple structure (trivial solutions) and study whether there exist other solutions or not. If not, we say that the ( a , . . . , a k ) -decomposition is essentially unique. We characterize those periods for which essential...

A symmetry problem in the calculus of variations

Graziano Crasta (2006)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We consider the integral functional J ( u ) = Ω [ f ( | D u | ) u ] d x , u W 0 1 , 1 ( Ω ) , where Ω n , n 2 , is a nonempty bounded connected open subset of n with smooth boundary, and s f ( | s | ) is a convex, differentiable function. We prove that if J admits a minimizer in W 0 1 , 1 ( Ω ) depending only on the distance from the boundary of Ω , then Ω must be a ball.

Existence theorems for nonlinear differential equations having trichotomy in Banach spaces

Adel Mahmoud Gomaa (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We give existence theorems for weak and strong solutions with trichotomy of the nonlinear differential equation x ˙ ( t ) = ( t ) x ( t ) + f ( t , x ( t ) ) , t ( P ) where { ( t ) : t } is a family of linear operators from a Banach space E into itself and f : × E E . By L ( E ) we denote the space of linear operators from E into itself. Furthermore, for a < b and d > 0 , we let C ( [ - d , 0 ] , E ) be the Banach space of continuous functions from [ - d , 0 ] into E and f d : [ a , b ] × C ( [ - d , 0 ] , E ) E . Let ^ : [ a , b ] L ( E ) be a strongly measurable and Bochner integrable operator on [ a , b ] and for t [ a , b ] define τ t x ( s ) = x ( t + s ) for each s [ - d , 0 ] . We prove that, under certain...

Numerical approximation of the non-linear fourth-order boundary-value problem

Svobodová, Ivona


We consider functionals of a potential energy ψ ( u ) corresponding to 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑠𝑦𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑦 - 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑚 . We are dealing with 𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 with 𝑁𝑒𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑛 𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 . Various types of the subsoil of the plate are described by various types of the 𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 nonlinear term ψ ( u ) . The aim of the paper is to find a suitable computational algorithm.

The Rothberger property on C p ( Ψ ( 𝒜 ) , 2 )

Daniel Bernal-Santos (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


A space X is said to have the Rothberger property (or simply X is Rothberger) if for every sequence 𝒰 n : n ω of open covers of X , there exists U n 𝒰 n for each n ω such that X = n ω U n . For any n ω , necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for C p ( Ψ ( 𝒜 ) , 2 ) n to have the Rothberger property when 𝒜 is a Mrówka mad family and, assuming CH (the Continuum Hypothesis), we prove the existence of a maximal almost disjoint family 𝒜 for which the space C p ( Ψ ( 𝒜 ) , 2 ) n is Rothberger for all n ω .

Curved thin domains and parabolic equations

M. Prizzi, M. Rinaldi, K. P. Rybakowski (2002)

Studia Mathematica


Consider the family uₜ = Δu + G(u), t > 0, x Ω ε , ν ε u = 0 , t > 0, x Ω ε , ( E ε ) of semilinear Neumann boundary value problems, where, for ε > 0 small, the set Ω ε is a thin domain in l , possibly with holes, which collapses, as ε → 0⁺, onto a (curved) k-dimensional submanifold of l . If G is dissipative, then equation ( E ε ) has a global attractor ε . We identify a “limit” equation for the family ( E ε ) , prove convergence of trajectories and establish an upper semicontinuity result for the family ε as ε → 0⁺. ...