Displaying similar documents to “Metaplectic covers of G L n and the Gauss-Schering lemma”

Congruences modulo between ϵ factors for cuspidal representations of G L ( 2 )

Marie-France Vignéras (2000)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux


Let p be two different prime numbers, let F be a local non archimedean field of residual characteristic p , and let 𝐐 ¯ , 𝐙 ¯ , 𝐅 ¯ be an algebraic closure of the field of -adic numbers 𝐐 , the ring of integers of 𝐐 ¯ , the residual field of 𝐙 ¯ . We proved the existence and the unicity of a Langlands local correspondence over 𝐅 ¯ for all n 2 , compatible with the reduction modulo in [V5], without using L and ϵ factors of pairs. We conjecture that the Langlands local correspondence over 𝐐 ¯ respects congruences...

On residue formulas for characteristic numbers

Francisco Gómez Ruiz (2009)

Banach Center Publications


We show that coefficients of residue formulas for characteristic numbers associated to a smooth toral action on a manifold can be taken in a quotient field Q ( X , . . . , X r ) . This yields canonical identities over the integers and, reducing modulo two, residue formulas for Stiefel Whitney numbers.

Ulm-Kaplansky invariants of S(KG)/G

P. V. Danchev (2005)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


Let G be an infinite abelian p-group and let K be a field of the first kind with respect to p of characteristic different from p such that s p ( K ) = or s p ( K ) = 0 . The main result of the paper is the computation of the Ulm-Kaplansky functions of the factor group S(KG)/G of the normalized Sylow p-subgroup S(KG) in the group ring KG modulo G. We also characterize the basic subgroups of S(KG)/G by proving that they are isomorphic to S(KB)/B, where B is a basic subgroup of G.

Gauss Sums of Cubic Characters over p r , p Odd

Davide Schipani, Michele Elia (2012)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


An elementary approach is shown which derives the values of the Gauss sums over p r , p odd, of a cubic character. New links between Gauss sums over different field extensions are shown in terms of factorizations of the Gauss sums themselves, which are then revisited in terms of prime ideal decompositions. Interestingly, one of these results gives a representation of primes p of the form 6k+1 by a binary quadratic form in integers of a subfield of the cyclotomic field of the pth roots of...

Explicit Selmer groups for cyclic covers of ℙ¹

Michael Stoll, Ronald van Luijk (2013)

Acta Arithmetica


For any abelian variety J over a global field k and an isogeny ϕ: J → J, the Selmer group S e l ϕ ( J , k ) is a subgroup of the Galois cohomology group H ¹ ( G a l ( k s / k ) , J [ ϕ ] ) , defined in terms of local data. When J is the Jacobian of a cyclic cover of ℙ¹ of prime degree p, the Selmer group has a quotient by a subgroup of order at most p that is isomorphic to the ‘fake Selmer group’, whose definition is more amenable to explicit computations. In this paper we define in the same setting the ‘explicit Selmer group’, which...

Gauss Sums of the Cubic Character over G F ( 2 m ) : an Elementary Derivation

Davide Schipani, Michele Elia (2011)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


By an elementary approach, we derive the value of the Gauss sum of a cubic character over a finite field 2 s without using Davenport-Hasse’s theorem (namely, if s is odd the Gauss sum is -1, and if s is even its value is - ( - 2 ) s / 2 ).

Capitulation and transfer kernels

K. W. Gruenberg, A. Weiss (2000)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux


If K / k is a finite Galois extension of number fields with Galois group G , then the kernel of the capitulation map C l k C l K of ideal class groups is isomorphic to the kernel X ( H ) of the transfer map H / H ' A , where H = Gal ( K ˜ / k ) , A = Gal ( K ˜ / K ) and K ˜ is the Hilbert class field of K . H. Suzuki proved that when G is abelian, | G | divides | X ( H ) | . We call a finite abelian group X a transfer kernel for G if X X ( H ) for some group extension A H G . After characterizing transfer kernels in terms of integral representations of G , we show that X is a transfer...

On the ring of p -integers of a cyclic p -extension over a number field

Humio Ichimura (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


Let p be a prime number. A finite Galois extension N / F of a number field F with group G has a normal p -integral basis ( p -NIB for short) when 𝒪 N is free of rank one over the group ring 𝒪 F [ G ] . Here, 𝒪 F = 𝒪 F [ 1 / p ] is the ring of p -integers of F . Let m = p e be a power of p and N / F a cyclic extension of degree m . When ζ m F × , we give a necessary and sufficient condition for N / F to have a p -NIB (Theorem 3). When ζ m F × and p [ F ( ζ m ) : F ] , we show that N / F has a p -NIB if and only if N ( ζ m ) / F ( ζ m ) has a p -NIB (Theorem 1). When p divides [ F ( ζ m ) : F ] , we show that this...

Grothendieck and Witt groups in the reduced theory of quadratic forms

Andrzej Sładek (1980)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Abstract. Let F be a formally real field. Denote by G(F) and G t ( F ) the Grothen-dieck group of quadratic forms over F and its torsion subgroup, respectively. In this paper we study the structure of the factor group G ( F ) / G t ( F ) . This reduced Grothendieck group is a free Abelian group. The main results of the paper describe some sets of generators for G ( F ) / G t ( F ) , which in many cases allow us to find a basis for the group. Throughout the paper we use the language of the reduced theory of quadratic forms. In the...

Multidimensional Gauss reduction theory for conjugacy classes of SL ( n , )

Oleg Karpenkov (2013)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


In this paper we describe the set of conjugacy classes in the group SL ( n , ) . We expand geometric Gauss Reduction Theory that solves the problem for SL ( 2 , ) to the multidimensional case, where ς -reduced Hessenberg matrices play the role of reduced matrices. Further we find complete invariants of conjugacy classes in GL ( n , ) in terms of multidimensional Klein-Voronoi continued fractions.

An inequality for local unitary Theta correspondence

Z. Gong, L. Grenié (2011)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques


Given a representation π of a local unitary group G and another local unitary group H , either the Theta correspondence provides a representation θ H ( π ) of H or we set θ H ( π ) = 0 . If G is fixed and H varies in a Witt tower, a natural question is: for which H is θ H ( π ) 0 ? For given dimension m there are exactly two isometry classes of unitary spaces that we denote H m ± . For ε { 0 , 1 } let us denote m ε ± ( π ) the minimal m of the same parity of ε such that θ H m ± ( π ) 0 , then we prove that m ε + ( π ) + m ε - ( π ) 2 n + 2 where n is the dimension of π .