Displaying similar documents to “The ideal of relations for the ring of invariants of n points on the line”

Skew inverse power series rings over a ring with projective socle

Kamal Paykan (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A ring R is called a right PS -ring if its socle, Soc ( R R ) , is projective. Nicholson and Watters have shown that if R is a right PS -ring, then so are the polynomial ring R [ x ] and power series ring R [ [ x ] ] . In this paper, it is proved that, under suitable conditions, if R has a (flat) projective socle, then so does the skew inverse power series ring R [ [ x - 1 ; α , δ ] ] and the skew polynomial ring R [ x ; α , δ ] , where R is an associative ring equipped with an automorphism α and an α -derivation δ . Our results extend and unify many existing...

Characterization of irreducible polynomials over a special principal ideal ring

Brahim Boudine (2023)

Mathematica Bohemica


A commutative ring R with unity is called a special principal ideal ring (SPIR) if it is a non integral principal ideal ring containing only one nonzero prime ideal, its length e is the index of nilpotency of its maximal ideal. In this paper, we show a characterization of irreducible polynomials over a SPIR of length 2 . Then, we give a sufficient condition for a polynomial to be irreducible over a SPIR of any length e .

Rings consisting entirely of certain elements

Huanyin Chen, Marjan Sheibani, Nahid Ashrafi (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We completely determine when a ring consists entirely of weak idempotents, units and nilpotents. We prove that such ring is exactly isomorphic to one of the following: a Boolean ring; 3 3 ; 3 B where B is a Boolean ring; local ring with nil Jacobson radical; M 2 ( 2 ) or M 2 ( 3 ) ; or the ring of a Morita context with zero pairings where the underlying rings are 2 or 3 .

About G-rings

Najib Mahdou (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In this paper, we are concerned with G-rings. We generalize the Kaplansky’s theorem to rings with zero-divisors. Also, we assert that if R T is a ring extension such that m T R for some regular element m of T , then T is a G-ring if and only if so is R . Also, we examine the transfer of the G-ring property to trivial ring extensions. Finally, we conclude the paper with illustrative examples discussing the utility and limits of our results.

Projective invariant metrics and open convex regular cones. I

Fabio Podestà (1987)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti


In this work we give a characterization of the projective invariant pseudometric P , introduced by H. Wu, for a particular class of real 𝐂 -manifolds; in view of this result, we study the group of projective transformations for the same class of manifolds and we determine the integrated pseudodistance p of P in open convex regular cones of n , endowed with the characteristic metric.

Rings in which elements are sum of a central element and an element in the Jacobson radical

Guanglin Ma, Yao Wang, André Leroy (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


An element in a ring R is called CJ if it is of the form c + j , where c belongs to the center and j is an element from the Jacobson radical. A ring R is called CJ if each element of R is CJ. We establish the basic properties of CJ rings, give several characterizations of these rings, and connect this notion with many standard elementwise properties such as clean, uniquely clean, nil clean, CN, and CU. We study the behavior of this notion under various ring extensions. In particular, we show...

Projective invariant metrics and open convex regular cones. I

Fabio Podestà (1987)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni


In this work we give a characterization of the projective invariant pseudometric P , introduced by H. Wu, for a particular class of real 𝐂 -manifolds; in view of this result, we study the group of projective transformations for the same class of manifolds and we determine the integrated pseudodistance p of P in open convex regular cones of n , endowed with the characteristic metric.

On near-ring ideals with ( σ , τ ) -derivation

Öznur Golbaşi, Neşet Aydin (2007)

Archivum Mathematicum


Let N be a 3 -prime left near-ring with multiplicative center Z , a ( σ , τ ) -derivation D on N is defined to be an additive endomorphism satisfying the product rule D ( x y ) = τ ( x ) D ( y ) + D ( x ) σ ( y ) for all x , y N , where σ and τ are automorphisms of N . A nonempty subset U of N will be called a semigroup right ideal (resp. semigroup left ideal) if U N U (resp. N U U ) and if U is both a semigroup right ideal and a semigroup left ideal, it be called a semigroup ideal. We prove the following results: Let D be a ( σ , τ ) -derivation...

Matroids over a ring

Alex Fink, Luca Moci (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We introduce the notion of a matroid M over a commutative ring R , assigning to every subset of the ground set an R -module according to some axioms. When R is a field, we recover matroids. When R = , and when R is a DVR, we get (structures which contain all the data of) quasi-arithmetic matroids, and valuated matroids, i.e. tropical linear spaces, respectively. More generally, whenever R is a Dedekind domain, we extend all the usual properties and operations holding for matroids (e.g., duality),...

Unimodular rows over Laurent polynomial rings

Abdessalem Mnif, Morou Amidou (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We prove that for any ring 𝐑 of Krull dimension not greater than 1 and n 3 , the group E n ( 𝐑 [ X , X - 1 ] ) acts transitively on Um n ( 𝐑 [ X , X - 1 ] ) . In particular, we obtain that for any ring 𝐑 with Krull dimension not greater than 1, all finitely generated stably free modules over 𝐑 [ X , X - 1 ] are free. All the obtained results are proved constructively.