Displaying similar documents to “A note on an approximative scheme of finding almost homoclinic solutions for Newtonian systems”

Induced almost continuous functions on hyperspaces

Alejandro Illanes (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae


For a metric continuum X, let C(X) (resp., 2 X ) be the hyperspace of subcontinua (resp., nonempty closed subsets) of X. Let f: X → Y be an almost continuous function. Let C(f): C(X) → C(Y) and 2 f : 2 X 2 Y be the induced functions given by C ( f ) ( A ) = c l Y ( f ( A ) ) and 2 f ( A ) = c l Y ( f ( A ) ) . In this paper, we prove that: • If 2 f is almost continuous, then f is continuous. • If C(f) is almost continuous and X is locally connected, then f is continuous. • If X is not locally connected, then there exists an almost continuous function f: X → [0,1]...

Almost Prüfer v-multiplication domains and the ring D + X D S [ X ]

Qing Li (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae


This paper is a continuation of the investigation of almost Prüfer v-multiplication domains (APVMDs) begun by Li [Algebra Colloq., to appear]. We show that an integral domain D is an APVMD if and only if D is a locally APVMD and D is well behaved. We also prove that D is an APVMD if and only if the integral closure D̅ of D is a PVMD, D ⊆ D̅ is a root extension and D is t-linked under D̅. We introduce the notion of an almost t-splitting set. D ( S ) denotes the ring D + X D S [ X ] , where S is a multiplicatively...

On some representations of almost everywhere continuous functions on m

Ewa Strońska (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae


It is proved that the following conditions are equivalent: (a) f is an almost everywhere continuous function on m ; (b) f = g + h, where g,h are strongly quasicontinuous on m ; (c) f = c + gh, where c ∈ ℝ and g,h are strongly quasicontinuous on m .

Almost sure well-posedness for the periodic 3D quintic nonlinear Schrödinger equation below the energy space

Andrea R. Nahmod, Gigliola Staffilani (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We also prove a long time existence result; more precisely we prove that for fixed T > 0 there exists a set Σ T , ( Σ T ) > 0 such that any data φ ω ( x ) H γ ( 𝕋 3 ) , γ < 1 , ω Σ T , evolves up to time T into a solution u ( t ) with u ( t ) - e i t Δ φ ω C ( [ 0 , T ] ; H s ( 𝕋 3 ) ) , s = s ( γ ) > 1 . In particular we find a nontrivial set of data which gives rise to long time solutions below the critical space H 1 ( 𝕋 3 ) , that is in the supercritical scaling regime.

On the uniqueness of periodic decomposition

Viktor Harangi (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let a , . . . , a k be arbitrary nonzero real numbers. An ( a , . . . , a k ) -decomposition of a function f:ℝ → ℝ is a sum f + + f k = f where f i : is an a i -periodic function. Such a decomposition is not unique because there are several solutions of the equation h + + h k = 0 with h i : a i -periodic. We will give solutions of this equation with a certain simple structure (trivial solutions) and study whether there exist other solutions or not. If not, we say that the ( a , . . . , a k ) -decomposition is essentially unique. We characterize those periods for which essential...

A version of the law of large numbers

Katusi Fukuyama (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae


By the method of Rio [10], for a locally square integrable periodic function f, we prove ( f ( μ t x ) + . . . + f ( μ t x ) ) / n 0 1 f for almost every x and t > 0.

C 1 self-maps on closed manifolds with finitely many periodic points all of them hyperbolic

Jaume Llibre, Víctor F. Sirvent (2016)

Mathematica Bohemica


Let X be a connected closed manifold and f a self-map on X . We say that f is almost quasi-unipotent if every eigenvalue λ of the map f * k (the induced map on the k -th homology group of X ) which is neither a root of unity, nor a zero, satisfies that the sum of the multiplicities of λ as eigenvalue of all the maps f * k with k odd is equal to the sum of the multiplicities of λ as eigenvalue of all the maps f * k with k even. We prove that if f is C 1 having finitely many periodic points all of them...

Characterising weakly almost periodic functionals on the measure algebra

Matthew Daws (2011)

Studia Mathematica


Let G be a locally compact group, and consider the weakly almost periodic functionals on M(G), the measure algebra of G, denoted by WAP(M(G)). This is a C*-subalgebra of the commutative C*-algebra M(G)*, and so has character space, say K W A P . In this paper, we investigate properties of K W A P . We present a short proof that K W A P can naturally be turned into a semigroup whose product is separately continuous; at the Banach algebra level, this product is simply the natural one induced by the Arens...

A complete characterization of R-sets in the theory of differentiation of integrals

G. A. Karagulyan (2007)

Studia Mathematica


Let s be the family of open rectangles in the plane ℝ² with a side of angle s to the x-axis. We say that a set S of directions is an R-set if there exists a function f ∈ L¹(ℝ²) such that the basis s differentiates the integral of f if s ∉ S, and D ̅ s f ( x ) = l i m s u p d i a m ( R ) 0 , x R s | R | - 1 R f = almost everywhere if s ∈ S. If the condition D ̅ s f ( x ) = holds on a set of positive measure (instead of a.e.) we say that S is a WR-set. It is proved that S is an R-set (resp. a WR-set) if and only if it is a G δ (resp. a G δ σ ).

Functionals on Banach Algebras with Scattered Spectra

H. S. Mustafayev (2004)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


Let A be a complex, commutative Banach algebra and let M A be the structure space of A. Assume that there exists a continuous homomorphism h:L¹(G) → A with dense range, where L¹(G) is a group algebra of the locally compact abelian group G. The main results of this note can be summarized as follows: (a) If every weakly almost periodic functional on A with compact spectra is almost periodic, then the space M A is scattered (i.e., M A has no nonempty perfect subset). (b) Weakly almost periodic...

Vitali Lemma approach to differentiation on a time scale

Chuan Jen Chyan, Andrzej Fryszkowski (2004)

Studia Mathematica


A new approach to differentiation on a time scale is presented. We give a suitable generalization of the Vitali Lemma and apply it to prove that every increasing function f: → ℝ has a right derivative f₊’(x) for μ Δ -almost all x ∈ . Moreover, [ a , b ) f ' ( x ) d μ Δ f ( b ) - f ( a ) .

Generalized Lebesgue points for Sobolev functions

Nijjwal Karak (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


In many recent articles, medians have been used as a replacement of integral averages when the function fails to be locally integrable. A point x in a metric measure space ( X , d , μ ) is called a generalized Lebesgue point of a measurable function f if the medians of f over the balls B ( x , r ) converge to f ( x ) when r converges to 0 . We know that almost every point of a measurable, almost everywhere finite function is a generalized Lebesgue point and the same is true for every point of a continuous function....

A characterization of Sobolev spaces via local derivatives

David Swanson (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let 1 ≤ p < ∞, k ≥ 1, and let Ω ⊂ ℝⁿ be an arbitrary open set. We prove a converse of the Calderón-Zygmund theorem that a function f W k , p ( Ω ) possesses an L p derivative of order k at almost every point x ∈ Ω and obtain a characterization of the space W k , p ( Ω ) . Our method is based on distributional arguments and a pointwise inequality due to Bojarski and Hajłasz.

On almost complex structures from classical linear connections

Jan Kurek, Włodzimierz M. Mikulski (2017)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


Let f m be the category of m -dimensional manifolds and local diffeomorphisms and  let T be the tangent functor on f m . Let 𝒱 be the category of real vector spaces and linear maps and let 𝒱 m be the category of m -dimensional real vector spaces and linear isomorphisms. We characterize all regular covariant functors F : 𝒱 m 𝒱 admitting f m -natural operators J ˜ transforming classical linear connections on m -dimensional manifolds M into almost complex structures J ˜ ( ) on F ( T ) M = x M F ( T x M ) .

Cobham's theorem for substitutions

Fabien Durand (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


The seminal theorem of Cobham has given rise during the last 40 years to a lot of work about non-standard numeration systems and has been extended to many contexts. In this paper, as a result of fifteen years of improvements, we obtain a complete and general version for the so-called substitutive sequences. Let α and β be two multiplicatively independent Perron numbers. Then a sequence x A , where A is a finite alphabet, is both α -substitutive and β -substitutive if and only if x is ultimately...

Metric unconditionality and Fourier analysis

Stefan Neuwirth (1998)

Studia Mathematica


We investigate several aspects of almost 1-unconditionality. We characterize the metric unconditional approximation property (umap) in terms of “block unconditionality”. Then we focus on translation invariant subspaces L E p ( ) and C E ( ) of functions on the circle and express block unconditionality as arithmetical conditions on E. Our work shows that the spaces p E ( ) , p an even integer, have a singular behaviour from the almost isometric point of view: property (umap) does not interpolate between L E p ( ) ...

Factorizations of normality via generalizations of β -normality

Ananga Kumar Das, Pratibha Bhat, Ria Gupta (2016)

Mathematica Bohemica


The notion of β -normality was introduced and studied by Arhangel’skii, Ludwig in 2001. Recently, almost β -normal spaces, which is a simultaneous generalization of β -normal and almost normal spaces, were introduced by Das, Bhat and Tartir. We introduce a new generalization of normality, namely weak β -normality, in terms of θ -closed sets, which turns out to be a simultaneous generalization of β -normality and θ -normality. A space X is said to be weakly β -normal (w β -normal ) if for every...

Relations between Shy Sets and Sets of ν p -Measure Zero in Solovay’s Model

G. Pantsulaia (2004)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


An example of a non-zero non-atomic translation-invariant Borel measure ν p on the Banach space p ( 1 p ) is constructed in Solovay’s model. It is established that, for 1 ≤ p < ∞, the condition " ν p -almost every element of p has a property P" implies that “almost every” element of p (in the sense of [4]) has the property P. It is also shown that the converse is not valid.

Global behavior of the difference equation x n + 1 = a x n - 3 b + c x n - 1 x n - 3

Raafat Abo-Zeid (2015)

Archivum Mathematicum


In this paper, we introduce an explicit formula and discuss the global behavior of solutions of the difference equation x n + 1 = a x n - 3 b + c x n - 1 x n - 3 , n = 0 , 1 , where a , b , c are positive real numbers and the initial conditions x - 3 , x - 2 , x - 1 , x 0 are real numbers.