Displaying similar documents to “m-normal theories”

Steady state in a biological system: global asymptotic stability

Maria Adelaide Sneider (1988)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni


A suitable Liapunov function is constructed for proving that the unique critical point of a non-linear system of ordinary differential equations, considered in a well determined polyhedron K , is globally asymptotically stable in K . The analytic problem arises from an investigation concerning a steady state in a particular macromolecular system: the visual system represented by the pigment rhodopsin in the presence of light.

Cycles on algebraic models of smooth manifolds

Wojciech Kucharz (2009)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Every compact smooth manifold M is diffeomorphic to a nonsingular real algebraic set, called an algebraic model of M . We study modulo 2 homology classes represented by algebraic subsets of X , as X runs through the class of all algebraic models of M . Our main result concerns the case where M is a spin manifold.

Steady state in a biological system: global asymptotic stability

Maria Adelaide Sneider (1988)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti


A suitable Liapunov function is constructed for proving that the unique critical point of a non-linear system of ordinary differential equations, considered in a well determined polyhedron K , is globally asymptotically stable in K . The analytic problem arises from an investigation concerning a steady state in a particular macromolecular system: the visual system represented by the pigment rhodopsin in the presence of light.

Spaces with star countable extent

A. D. Rojas-Sánchez, Angel Tamariz-Mascarúa (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


For a topological property P , we say that a space X is star P if for every open cover 𝒰 of the space X there exists A X such that s t ( A , 𝒰 ) = X . We consider space with star countable extent establishing the relations between the star countable extent property and the properties star Lindelöf and feebly Lindelöf. We describe some classes of spaces in which the star countable extent property is equivalent to either the Lindelöf property or separability. An example is given of a Tychonoff star Lindelöf...

Counting models of set theory

Ali Enayat (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let T denote a completion of ZF. We are interested in the number μ(T) of isomorphism types of countable well-founded models of T. Given any countable order type τ, we are also interested in the number μ(T,τ) of isomorphism types of countable models of T whose ordinals have order type τ. We prove: (1) Suppose ZFC has an uncountable well-founded model and κ ω , , 2 . There is some completion T of ZF such that μ(T) = κ. (2) If α <ω₁ and μ(T,α) > ℵ₀, then μ ( T , α ) = 2 . (3) If α < ω₁ and T ⊢ V ≠ OD,...

Simultaneous stabilization in A ( )

Raymond Mortini, Brett D. Wick (2009)

Studia Mathematica


We study the problem of simultaneous stabilization for the algebra A ( ) . Invertible pairs ( f j , g j ) , j = 1,..., n, in a commutative unital algebra are called simultaneously stabilizable if there exists a pair (α,β) of elements such that α f j + β g j is invertible in this algebra for j = 1,..., n. For n = 2, the simultaneous stabilization problem admits a positive solution for any data if and only if the Bass stable rank of the algebra is one. Since A ( ) has stable rank two, we are faced here with a different...

More reflections on compactness

Lúcia R. Junqueira, Franklin D. Tall (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We consider the question of when X M = X , where X M is the elementary submodel topology on X ∩ M, especially in the case when X M is compact.

Combinatorics of open covers (VII): Groupability

Ljubiša D. R. Kočinac, Marion Scheepers (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We use Ramseyan partition relations to characterize: ∙ the classical covering property of Hurewicz; ∙ the covering property of Gerlits and Nagy; ∙ the combinatorial cardinal numbers and add(ℳ ). Let X be a T 31 / 2 -space. In [9] we showed that C p ( X ) has countable strong fan tightness as well as the Reznichenko property if, and only if, all finite powers of X have the Gerlits-Nagy covering property. Now we show that the following are equivalent: 1. C p ( X ) has countable fan tightness and the Reznichenko...

The sup = max problem for the extent and the Lindelöf degree of generalized metric spaces, II

Yasushi Hirata (2015)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In [The sup = max problem for the extent of generalized metric spaces, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. The special issue devoted to Čech 54 (2013), no. 2, 245–257], the author and Yajima discussed the sup = max problem for the extent and the Lindelöf degree of generalized metric spaces: (strict) p -spaces, (strong) Σ -spaces and semi-stratifiable spaces. In this paper, the sup = max problem for the Lindelöf degree of spaces having G δ -diagonals and for the extent of spaces having point-countable...

Point-countable π-bases in first countable and similar spaces

V. V. Tkachuk (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


It is a classical result of Shapirovsky that any compact space of countable tightness has a point-countable π-base. We look at general spaces with point-countable π-bases and prove, in particular, that, under the Continuum Hypothesis, any Lindelöf first countable space has a point-countable π-base. We also analyze when the function space C p ( X ) has a point-countable π -base, giving a criterion for this in terms of the topology of X when l*(X) = ω. Dealing with point-countable π-bases makes...

Algebraic independence of the values at algebraic points of a class of functions considered by Mahler

N. Ch. Wass


This thesis is concerned with the problem of determining a measure of algebraic independence for a particular m-tuple θ₁,..., θ m of complex numbers. Specifically, let K be a number field and let f₁(z),..., f m ( z ) be elements of K[[z]] algebraically independent over K(z) satisfying equations of the form(*) f j ( z b ) = i = 1 m f i ( z ) a i j ( z ) + b j ( z ) (j = i,...,m)for b ≥ 2, a i j ( z ) , b j ( z ) in K(z). Suppose finally that α ∈ K is such that 0 < |α| < 1, the f j ( z ) converge at z = α and the a i j ( z ) , b j ( z ) are analytic at z = α , α b , α b ² , . . . Then the θ i = f i ( α ) are algebraically independent...

On sets with rank one in simple homogeneous structures

Ove Ahlman, Vera Koponen (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We study definable sets D of SU-rank 1 in e q , where ℳ is a countable homogeneous and simple structure in a language with finite relational vocabulary. Each such D can be seen as a ’canonically embedded structure’, which inherits all relations on D which are definable in e q , and has no other definable relations. Our results imply that if no relation symbol of the language of ℳ has arity higher than 2, then there is a close relationship between triviality of dependence and being a reduct...

Quantitative stability for sumsets in n

Alessio Figalli, David Jerison (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Given a measurable set A n of positive measure, it is not difficult to show that | A + A | = | 2 A | if and only if A is equal to its convex hull minus a set of measure zero. We investigate the stability of this statement: If ( | A + A | - | 2 A | ) / | A | is small, is A close to its convex hull? Our main result is an explicit control, in arbitrary dimension, on the measure of the difference between A and its convex hull in terms of ( | A + A | - | 2 A | ) / | A | .

On universality of countable and weak products of sigma hereditarily disconnected spaces

Taras Banakh, Robert Cauty (2001)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Suppose a metrizable separable space Y is sigma hereditarily disconnected, i.e., it is a countable union of hereditarily disconnected subspaces. We prove that the countable power X ω of any subspace X ⊂ Y is not universal for the class ₂ of absolute G δ σ -sets; moreover, if Y is an absolute F σ δ -set, then X ω contains no closed topological copy of the Nagata space = W(I,ℙ); if Y is an absolute G δ -set, then X ω contains no closed copy of the Smirnov space σ = W(I,0). On the other hand, the countable...

On the Set-Theoretic Strength of Countable Compactness of the Tychonoff Product 2

Eleftherios Tachtsis (2010)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


We work in ZF set theory (i.e., Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory minus the Axiom of Choice AC) and show the following: 1. The Axiom of Choice for well-ordered families of non-empty sets ( A C W O ) does not imply “the Tychonoff product 2 , where 2 is the discrete space 0,1, is countably compact” in ZF. This answers in the negative the following question from Keremedis, Felouzis, and Tachtsis [Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 55 (2007)]: Does the Countable Axiom of Choice for families of non-empty sets...

Diagonalization and rationalization of algebraic Laurent series

Boris Adamczewski, Jason P. Bell (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


We prove a quantitative version of a result of Furstenberg [20] and Deligne [14] stating that the diagonal of a multivariate algebraic power series with coefficients in a field of positive characteristic is algebraic. As a consequence, we obtain that for every prime p the reduction modulo p of the diagonal of a multivariate algebraic power series f with integer coefficients is an algebraic power series of degree at most p A and height at most A p A , where A is an effective constant that only...

On Noether and strict stability, Hilbert exponent, and relative Nullstellensatz

Chia-chi Tung (2013)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Conditions characterizing the membership of the ideal of a subvariety arising from (effective) divisors in a product complex space Y × X are given. For the algebra Y [ V ] of relative regular functions on an algebraic variety V, the strict stability is proved, in the case where Y is a normal space, and the Noether stability is established under a weakened condition. As a consequence (for both general and complete intersections) a global Nullstellensatz is derived for divisors in Y × N , respectively,...

On nowhere first-countable compact spaces with countable π -weight

Jan van Mill (2015)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


The minimum weight of a nowhere first-countable compact space of countable π -weight is shown to be κ B , the least cardinal κ for which the real line can be covered by κ many nowhere dense sets.

Cardinalities of DCCC normal spaces with a rank 2-diagonal

Wei-Feng Xuan, Wei-Xue Shi (2016)

Mathematica Bohemica


A topological space X has a rank 2-diagonal if there exists a diagonal sequence on X of rank 2 , that is, there is a countable family { 𝒰 n : n ω } of open covers of X such that for each x X , { x } = { St 2 ( x , 𝒰 n ) : n ω } . We say that a space X satisfies the Discrete Countable Chain Condition (DCCC for short) if every discrete family of nonempty open subsets of X is countable. We mainly prove that if X is a DCCC normal space with a rank 2-diagonal, then the cardinality of X is at most 𝔠 . Moreover, we prove that if X is a first...

Stabilization of monomial maps in higher codimension

Jan-Li Lin, Elizabeth Wulcan (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


A monomial self-map f on a complex toric variety is said to be k -stable if the action induced on the 2 k -cohomology is compatible with iteration. We show that under suitable conditions on the eigenvalues of the matrix of exponents of f , we can find a toric model with at worst quotient singularities where f is k -stable. If f is replaced by an iterate one can find a k -stable model as soon as the dynamical degrees λ k of f satisfy λ k 2 &gt; λ k - 1 λ k + 1 . On the other hand, we give examples of monomial maps f , where...

More on the Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse game of length ω₁

Tapani Hyttinen, Saharon Shelah, Jouko Vaananen (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


By results of [9] there are models and for which the Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé game of length ω₁, E F G ω ( , ) , is non-determined, but it is consistent relative to the consistency of a measurable cardinal that no such models have cardinality ≤ ℵ₂. We now improve the work of [9] in two ways. Firstly, we prove that the consistency strength of the statement “CH and E F G ω ( , ) is determined for all models and of cardinality ℵ₂” is that of a weakly compact cardinal. On the other hand, we show that if 2 < 2 , T is a countable...

Stable solutions of Δ u = f ( u ) in N

Louis Dupaigne, Alberto Farina (2010)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Several Liouville-type theorems are presented for stable solutions of the equation - Δ u = f ( u ) in N , where f > 0 is a general convex, nondecreasing function. Extensions to solutions which are merely stable outside a compact set are discussed.

On the Compactness and Countable Compactness of 2 in ZF

Kyriakos Keremedis, Evangelos Felouzis, Eleftherios Tachtsis (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


In the framework of ZF (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory without the Axiom of Choice) we provide topological and Boolean-algebraic characterizations of the statements " 2 is countably compact" and " 2 is compact"

On the principle of real moduli flexibility: perfect parametrizations

Edoardo Ballico, Riccardo Ghiloni (2014)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let V be a real algebraic manifold of positive dimension. The aim of this paper is to show that, for every integer b (arbitrarily large), there exists a trivial Nash family = V y y R b of real algebraic manifolds such that V₀ = V, is an algebraic family of real algebraic manifolds over y R b 0 (possibly singular over y = 0) and is perfectly parametrized by R b in the sense that V y is birationally nonisomorphic to V z for every y , z R b with y ≠ z. A similar result continues to hold if V is a singular real algebraic...