Displaying similar documents to “Théorème de la clôture lq-modulaire et applications”

Estimates of the number of rational mappings from a fixed variety to varieties of general type

Tanya Bandman, Gerd Dethloff (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


First we find effective bounds for the number of dominant rational maps f : X Y between two fixed smooth projective varieties with ample canonical bundles. The bounds are of the type { A · K X n } { B · K X n } 2 , where n = dim X , K X is the canonical bundle of X and A , B are some constants, depending only on n . Then we show that for any variety X there exist numbers c ( X ) and C ( X ) with the following properties: For any threefold Y of general type the number of dominant rational maps f : X Y is bounded above by c ( X ) . ...

Propagation of singularities for the wave equation on manifolds with corners

András Vasy (2004-2005)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles


In this talk we describe the propagation of 𝒞 and Sobolev singularities for the wave equation on 𝒞 manifolds with corners M equipped with a Riemannian metric g . That is, for X = M × t , P = D t 2 - Δ M , and u H loc 1 ( X ) solving P u = 0 with homogeneous Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions, we show that WF b ( u ) is a union of maximally extended generalized broken bicharacteristics. This result is a 𝒞 counterpart of Lebeau’s results for the propagation of analytic singularities on real analytic manifolds with appropriately stratified...

Propagation de la 2-birationalité

Claire Bourbon, Jean-François Jaulent (2013)

Acta Arithmetica


Let L/K be a 2-birational CM-extension of a totally real 2-rational number field. We characterize in terms of tame ramification totally real 2-extensions K’/K such that the compositum L’=LK’ is still 2-birational. In case the 2-extension K’/K is linearly disjoint from the cyclotomic ℤ₂-extension K c / K , we prove that K’/K is at most quadratic. Furthermore, we construct infinite towers of such 2-extensions.

Falsity conditions for IF-sentences

Francien Dechesne (2005)

Philosophia Scientiae


La logique IF prétend constituer une alternative à la logique classique du premier ordre : en libéralisant les schémas de dépendance entre quantificateurs, elle mènerait à leur terme les idées sous-jacentes à la logique classique. Mais les jeux de Hintikka ne constituent pas la seule manière possible de fournir une sémantique pour l’indépendance : on pourrait au contraire vouloir le faire dans le cadre d’une sémantique récursive avec des quantificateurs de Henkin. Nous présentons ici...

Une note à propos du jacobien de n fonctions holomorphes à l'origine de ℂⁿ

M. Hickel (2008)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let f₁,...,fₙ be n germs of holomorphic functions at the origin of ℂⁿ, such that f i ( 0 ) = 0 , 1 ≤ i ≤ n. We give a proof based on J. Lipman’s theory of residues via Hochschild homology that the jacobian of f₁,...,fₙ belongs to the ideal generated by f₁,...,fₙ if and only if the dimension of the germ of common zeros of f₁,...,fₙ is strictly positive. In fact, we prove much more general results which are relative versions of this result replacing the field ℂ by convenient noetherian rings A (Ths....

Spaces of type H + C

Walter Rudin (1975)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


A simple theorem is proved which states a sufficient condition for the sum ot two closed subspaces of a Banach space to be closed. This leads to several analogues of Sarason’s theorem which states that H + C is a closed subalgebra of L . In these analogues, the unit circle is replaces by other groups, and the unit disc is replaced by polydiscs or by balls in spaces of several complex variables. Sums of closed ideals in Banach algebras are also studied.