Displaying similar documents to “On numerically effective log canonical divisors.”

On log canonical divisors that are log quasi-numerically positive

Shigetaka Fukuda (2004)

Open Mathematics


Let (X Δ) be a four-dimensional log variety that is projective over the field of complex numbers. Assume that (X, Δ) is not Kawamata log terminal (klt) but divisorial log terminal (dlt). First we introduce the notion of “log quasi-numerically positive”, by relaxing that of “numerically positive”. Next we prove that, if the log canonical divisorK X+Δ is log quasi-numerically positive on (X, Δ) then it is semi-ample.

On del Pezzo fibrations

Massimiliano Mella (1999)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze


Pluricanonical maps for threefolds of general type

Gueorgui Tomov Todorov (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


In this paper we will prove that for a threefold of general type and large volume the second plurigenera is positive and the fifth canonical map is birational.

Geography of log models: theory and applications

Vyacheslav Shokurov, Sung Choi (2011)

Open Mathematics


This is an introduction to geography of log models with applications to positive cones of Fano type (FT) varieties and to geometry of minimal models and Mori fibrations.

The Mukai conjecture for log Fano manifolds

Kento Fujita (2014)

Open Mathematics


For a log Fano manifold (X,D) with D ≠ 0 and of the log Fano pseudoindex ≥2, we prove that the restriction homomorphism Pic(X) → Pic(D 1) of Picard groups is injective for any irreducible component D 1 ⊂ D. The strategy of our proof is to run a certain minimal model program and is similar to Casagrande’s argument. As a corollary, we prove that the Mukai conjecture (resp. the generalized Mukai conjecture) implies the log Mukai conjecture (resp. the log generalized Mukai conjecture). ...