Displaying similar documents to “Girsanov’s transformation for SLE ( κ , ρ ) processes, intersection exponents and hiding exponents”

An integral test for the transience of a brownian path with limited local time

Itai Benjamini, Nathanaël Berestycki (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


We study a one-dimensional brownian motion conditioned on a self-repelling behaviour. Given a nondecreasing positive function (), ≥0, consider the measures obtained by conditioning a brownian path so that ≤(), for all ≤, where is the local time spent at the origin by time . It is shown that the measures are tight, and that any weak limit of as →∞ is transient provided that −3/2() is integrable. We conjecture...

Marking (1, 2) points of the brownian web and applications

C. M. Newman, K. Ravishankar, E. Schertzer (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


The brownian web (BW), which developed from the work of Arratia and then Tóth and Werner, is a random collection of paths (with specified starting points) in one plus one dimensional space–time that arises as the scaling limit of the discrete web (DW) of coalescing simple random walks. Two recently introduced extensions of the BW, the brownian net (BN) constructed by Sun and Swart, and the dynamical brownian web (DyBW) proposed by Howitt and Warren, are (or should be) scaling limits...

Conditioned brownian trees

Jean-François Le Gall, Mathilde Weill (2006)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


Exponential functionals of brownian motion and class-one Whittaker functions

Fabrice Baudoin, Neil O’Connell (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


We consider exponential functionals of a brownian motion with drift in ℝ, defined via a collection of linear functionals. We give a characterisation of the Laplace transform of their joint law as the unique bounded solution, up to a constant factor, to a Schrödinger-type partial differential equation. We derive a similar equation for the probability density. We then characterise all diffusions which can be interpreted as having the law of the brownian motion with drift conditioned on...