Displaying similar documents to “The analyticity of q -concave sets of locally finite Hausdorff ( 2 n - 2 q ) measure”

Generically strongly q -convex complex manifolds

Terrence Napier, Mohan Ramachandran (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Suppose ϕ is a real analytic plurisubharmonic exhaustion function on a connected noncompact complex manifold X . The main result is that if the real analytic set of points at which ϕ is not strongly q -convex is of dimension at most 2 q + 1 , then almost every sufficiently large sublevel of ϕ is strongly q -convex as a complex manifold. For X of dimension 2 , this is a special case of a theorem of Diederich and Ohsawa. A version for ϕ real analytic with corners is also obtained.

Analytic extension from non-pseudoconvex boundaries and A ( D ) -convexity

Christine Laurent-Thiébaut, Egmon Porten (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let D n , n 2 , be a domain with C 2 -boundary and K D be a compact set such that D K is connected. We study univalent analytic extension of CR-functions from D K to parts of D . Call K CR-convex if its A ( D ) -convex hull, A ( D ) - hull ( K ) , satisfies K = D A ( D ) - hull ( K ) ( A ( D ) denoting the space of functions, which are holomorphic on D and continuous up to D ). The main theorem of the paper gives analytic extension to D A ( D ) - hull ( K ) , if K is CR- convex.

Overstability and resonance

Augustin Fruchard, Reinhard Schäfke (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We consider a singularity perturbed nonlinear differential equation ε u ' = f ( x ) u + + ε P ( x , u , ε ) which we suppose real analytic for x near some interval [ a , b ] and small | u | , | ε | . We furthermore suppose that 0 is a turning point, namely that x f ( x ) is positive if x 0 . We prove that the existence of nicely behaved (as ϵ 0 ) local (at x = 0 ) or global, real analytic or C solutions is equivalent to the existence of a formal series solution u n ( x ) ε n with u n analytic at x = 0 . The main tool of a proof is a new “principle of analytic continuation” for...

A general version of the Hartogs extension theorem for separately holomorphic mappings between complex analytic spaces

Viêt-Anh Nguyên (2005)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze


Using recent development in Poletsky theory of discs, we prove the following result: Let X , Y be two complex manifolds, let Z be a complex analytic space which possesses the Hartogs extension property, let A (resp. B ) be a non locally pluripolar subset of X (resp. Y ). We show that every separately holomorphic mapping f : W : = ( A × Y ) ( X × B ) Z extends to a holomorphic mapping f ^ on W ^ : = ( z , w ) X × Y : ω ˜ ( z , A , X ) + ω ˜ ( w , B , Y ) < 1 such that f ^ = f on W W ^ , where ω ˜ ( · , A , X ) (resp. ω ˜ ( · , B , Y ) ) is the plurisubharmonic measure of A (resp. B ) relative to X (resp. Y ). Generalizations...

On the local meromorphic extension of CR meromorphic mappings

Joël Merker, Egmont Porten (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let M be a generic CR submanifold in m + n , m = CR dim M ≥ 1, n = codim M ≥ 1, d = dim M = 2m + n. A CR meromorphic mapping (in the sense of Harvey-Lawson) is a triple ( f , f , [ Γ f ] ) , where: 1) f : f Y is a ¹-smooth mapping defined over a dense open subset f of M with values in a projective manifold Y; 2) the closure Γ f of its graph in m + n × Y defines an oriented scarred ¹-smooth CR manifold of CR dimension m (i.e. CR outside a closed thin set) and 3) d [ Γ f ] = 0 in the sense of currents. We prove that ( f , f , [ Γ f ] ) extends meromorphically...