Displaying similar documents to “Hydrodynamic limit for perturbation of a hyperbolic equilibrium point in two-component systems”

Hydrodynamic limit for a particle system with degenerate rates

P. Gonçalves, C. Landim, C. Toninelli (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


We study the hydrodynamic limit for some conservative particle systems with degenerate rates, namely with nearest neighbor exchange rates which vanish for certain configurations. These models belong to the class of (KCLG) which have been introduced and intensively studied in physical literature as simple models for the liquid/glass transition. Due to the degeneracy of rates there exist which do not evolve under the dynamics and in general the hyperplanes of configurations with a fixed...

Diffusive limit for finite velocity Boltzmann kinetic models.

Pierre Louis Lions, Giuseppe Toscani (1997)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana


We investigate, in the diffusive scaling, the limit to the macroscopic description of finite-velocity Boltzmann kinetic models, where the rate coefficient in front of the collision operator is assumed to be dependent of the mass density. It is shown that in the limit the flux vanishes, while the evolution of the mass density is governed by a nonlinear parabolic equation of porous medium type. In the last part of the paper we show that our method adapts to prove the so-called Rosseland...