Displaying 41 – 60 of 141

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Determinants of (–1,1)-matrices of the skew-symmetric type: a cocyclic approach

Víctor Álvarez, José Andrés Armario, María Dolores Frau, Félix Gudiel (2015)

Open Mathematics

An n by n skew-symmetric type (-1; 1)-matrix K =[ki;j ] has 1’s on the main diagonal and ±1’s elsewhere with ki;j =-kj;i . The largest possible determinant of such a matrix K is an interesting problem. The literature is extensive for n ≡ 0 mod 4 (skew-Hadamard matrices), but for n ≡ 2 mod 4 there are few results known for this question. In this paper we approach this problem constructing cocyclic matrices over the dihedral group of 2t elements, for t odd, which are equivalent to (-1; 1)-matrices...

Doubly stochastic matrices and the Bruhat order

Richard A. Brualdi, Geir Dahl, Eliseu Fritscher (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The Bruhat order is defined in terms of an interchange operation on the set of permutation matrices of order n which corresponds to the transposition of a pair of elements in a permutation. We introduce an extension of this partial order, which we call the stochastic Bruhat order, for the larger class Ω n of doubly stochastic matrices (convex hull of n × n permutation matrices). An alternative description of this partial order is given. We define a class of special faces of Ω n induced by permutation matrices,...

Generalized indices of Boolean matrices

Bo Zhou (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We obtain upper bounds for generalized indices of matrices in the class of nearly reducible Boolean matrices and in the class of critically reducible Boolean matrices, and prove that these bounds are the best possible.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 141