-configurations with simple edge basis and their corresponding quasigroup identities
There is described a procedure which determines the quasigroup identity corresponding to a given 3-coloured 3-configuration with a simple edge basis.
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Václav J. Havel (1993)
Archivum Mathematicum
There is described a procedure which determines the quasigroup identity corresponding to a given 3-coloured 3-configuration with a simple edge basis.
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Colloquium Mathematicae
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Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
Using the Kramer-Mesner method, - designs with as a group of automorphisms and with in the set are constructed. The search uses specific partitioning of columns of the orbit incidence matrix, related to so-called “quasi-designs”. Actions of groups , and twisted are being compared. It is shown that there exist - designs with , respectively twisted as a group of automorphisms and with in the set . With in the set , there exist designs which possess all three considered groups...
Juan Arias de Reyna (1988)
Monatshefte für Mathematik
Václav J. Havel (1993)
Archivum Mathematicum
In the present paper we construct the accompanying identity of a given quasigroup identity . After that we deduce the main result: is isotopically invariant (i.e., for every guasigroup it holds that if is satisfied in then is satisfied in every quasigroup isotopic to ) if and only if it is equivalent to (i.e., for every quasigroup it holds that in either are both satisfied or both not).
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Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
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Commentarii mathematici Helvetici
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Archivum Mathematicum
After describing a (general and special) coordinatization of -nets there are found algebraic equivalents for the validity of certain quadrangle configuration conditions in -nets with small degree .
Aequationes mathematicae
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Archivum Mathematicum
Our short note gives the affirmative answer to one of Fishburn’s questions.
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Archivum Mathematicum
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Publications de l'Institut Mathématique
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Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
Using results of Altshuler and Negami, we present a classification of biembeddings of symmetric configurations of triples in the torus or Klein bottle. We also give an alternative proof of the structure of 3-homogeneous Latin trades.
Washiela Fish, Roland Fray, Eric Mwambene (2014)
Open Mathematics
For k ≥ 1, the odd graph denoted by O(k), is the graph with the vertex-set Ωk, the set of all k-subsets of Ω = 1, 2, …, 2k +1, and any two of its vertices u and v constitute an edge [u, v] if and only if u ∩ v = /0. In this paper the binary code generated by the adjacency matrix of O(k) is studied. The automorphism group of the code is determined, and by identifying a suitable information set, a 2-PD-set of the order of k 4 is determined. Lastly, the relationship between the dual code from O(k)...
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