Some modifications of the definition of density of subsets in ordered (= partially ordered) sets are given and the corresponding concepts are compared.
We investigate -directoids which are bounded and equipped by a unary operation which is an antitone involution. Hence, a new operation can be introduced via De Morgan laws. Basic properties of these algebras are established. On every such an algebra a ring-like structure can be derived whose axioms are similar to that of a generalized boolean quasiring. We introduce a concept of symmetrical difference and prove its basic properties. Finally, we study conditions of direct decomposability of directoids...
We prove that an order algebra assigned to a bounded poset with involution is a discriminator algebra.
Brouwerian ordered sets generalize Brouwerian lattices. The aim of this paper is to characterize (α)-complete Brouwerian ordered sets in a manner similar to that used previously for pseudocomplemented, Stone, Boolean and distributive ordered sets. The sublattice (G(P)) in the Dedekind-Mac~Neille completion (DM(P)) of an ordered set (P) generated by (P) is said to be the characteristic lattice of (P). We can define a stronger notion of Brouwerianicity by demanding that both (P) and (G(P)) be Brouwerian....