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Ideals, congruences and annihilators on nearlattices

Ivan Chajda, Miroslav Kolařík (2007)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

By a nearlattice is meant a join-semilattice having the property that every principal filter is a lattice with respect to the semilattice order. We introduce the concept of (relative) annihilator of a nearlattice and characterize some properties like distributivity, modularity or 0 -distributivity of nearlattices by means of certain properties of annihilators.

Ideals in distributive posets

Cyndyma Batueva, Marina Semenova (2011)

Open Mathematics

We prove that any ideal in a distributive (relative to a certain completion) poset is an intersection of prime ideals. Besides that, we give a characterization of n-normal meet semilattices with zero, thus generalizing a known result for lattices with zero.

Incomparably continuable sets of semilattices

Jaroslav Ježek, Václav Slavík (2000)

Mathematica Bohemica

A finite set of finite semilattices is said to be incomparably continuable if it can be extended to an infinite set of pairwise incomparable (with respect to embeddability) finite semilattices. After giving some simple examples we show that the set consisting of the four-element Boolean algebra and the four-element fork is incomparably continuable.

Independent axiom systems for nearlattices

João Araújo, Michael Kinyon (2011)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A nearlattice is a join semilattice such that every principal filter is a lattice with respect to the induced order. Hickman and later Chajda et al independently showed that nearlattices can be treated as varieties of algebras with a ternary operation satisfying certain axioms. Our main result is that the variety of nearlattices is 2 -based, and we exhibit an explicit system of two independent identities. We also show that the original axiom systems of Hickman as well as that of Chajda et al are...

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