Maximal (semi-)lattices of fractions and injective hulls.
We prove that there is a one to one correspondence between monadic finite quasi-modal operators on a distributive nearlattice and quantifiers on the distributive lattice of its finitely generated filters, extending the results given in ``Calomino I., Celani S., González L. J.: Quasi-modal operators on distributive nearlattices, Rev. Unión Mat. Argent. 61 (2020), 339--352".
We define several sorts of mappings on a poset like monotone, strictly monotone, upper cone preserving and variants of these. Our aim is to study in which posets some of these mappings coincide. We define special mappings determined by two elements and investigate when these are strictly monotone or upper cone preserving. If the considered poset is a semilattice then its monotone mappings coincide with semilattice homomorphisms if and only if the poset is a chain. Similarly, we study posets which...