Displaying 61 – 80 of 152

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Normalization of M V -algebras

Ivan Chajda, Radomír Halaš, Jan Kühr, Alena Vanžurová (2005)

Mathematica Bohemica

We consider algebras determined by all normal identities of M V -algebras, i.e. algebras of many-valued logics. For such algebras, we present a representation based on a normalization of a sectionally involutioned lattice, i.e. a q -lattice, and another one based on a normalization of a lattice-ordered group.

On distributive trices

Kiyomitsu Horiuchi, Andreja Tepavčević (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

A triple-semilattice is an algebra with three binary operations, which is a semilattice in respect of each of them. A trice is a triple-semilattice, satisfying so called roundabout absorption laws. In this paper we investigate distributive trices. We prove that the only subdirectly irreducible distributive trices are the trivial one and a two element one. We also discuss finitely generated free distributive trices and prove that a free distributive trice with two generators has 18 elements.

On free modes

Michał Marek Stronkowski (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove a theorem describing the equational theory of all modes of a fixed type. We use this result to show that a free mode with at least one basic operation of arity at least three, over a set of cardinality at least two, does not satisfy identities selected by ’A. Szendrei in Identities satisfied by convex linear forms, Algebra Universalis 12 (1981), 103–122, that hold in any subreduct of a semimodule over a commutative semiring. This gives a negative answer to the question raised by A. Romanowska:...

On free Turing algebras

Herbert Lugowski (1986)

Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie = Contributions to algebra and geometry

On multiplication groups of relatively free quasigroups isotopic to Abelian groups

Aleš Drápal (2005)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

If Q is a quasigroup that is free in the class of all quasigroups which are isotopic to an Abelian group, then its multiplication group M l t Q is a Frobenius group. Conversely, if M l t Q is a Frobenius group, Q a quasigroup, then Q has to be isotopic to an Abelian group. If Q is, in addition, finite, then it must be a central quasigroup (a T -quasigroup).

Orthocomplemented difference lattices with few generators

Milan Matoušek, Pavel Pták (2011)


The algebraic theory of quantum logics overlaps in places with certain areas of cybernetics, notably with the field of artificial intelligence (see, e. g., [19, 20]). Recently an effort has been exercised to advance with logics that possess a symmetric difference ([13, 14]) - with so called orthocomplemented difference lattices (ODLs). This paper further contributes to this effort. In [13] the author constructs an ODL that is not set-representable. This example is quite elaborate. A main result...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 152