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Arithmetic progressions and the primes.

Terence Tao (2006)

Collectanea Mathematica

We describe some of the machinery behind recent progress in establishing infinitely many arithmetic progressions of length k in various sets of integers, in particular in arbitrary dense subsets of the integers, and in the primes.

Arithmetic progressions in sumsets

Imre Z. Ruzsa (1991)

Acta Arithmetica

1. Introduction. Let A,B ⊂ [1,N] be sets of integers, |A|=|B|=cN. Bourgain [2] proved that A+B always contains an arithmetic progression of length e x p ( l o g N ) 1 / 3 - ε . Our aim is to show that this is not very far from the best possible. Theorem 1. Let ε be a positive number. For every prime p > p₀(ε) there is a symmetric set A of residues mod p such that |A| > (1/2-ε)p and A + A contains no arithmetic progression of length (1.1) e x p ( l o g p ) 2 / 3 + ε . A set of residues can be used to get a set of integers in an obvious way. Observe...

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