Flache T1-Stabilität in der Stratifizierung Verseller Entfaltungen.
We study equivariant deformations of singular curves with an action of a finite flat group scheme, using a simplified version of Illusie's equivariant cotangent complex. We apply these methods in a special case which is relevant for the study of the stable reduction of three point covers.
A primitive multiple curve is a Cohen-Macaulay irreducible projective curve Y that can be locally embedded in a smooth surface, and such that Y red is smooth. We study the deformations of Y to curves with smooth irreducible components, when the number of components is maximal (it is then the multiplicity n of Y). We are particularly interested in deformations to n disjoint smooth irreducible components, which are called fragmented deformations. We describe them completely. We give also a characterization...