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s -pure submodules.

Crivei, Iuliu (2005)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

Some results on the local cohomology of minimax modules

Ahmad Abbasi, Hajar Roshan-Shekalgourabi, Dawood Hassanzadeh-Lelekaami (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring with identity and I an ideal of R . It is shown that, if M is a non-zero minimax R -module such that dim Supp H I i ( M ) 1 for all i , then the R -module H I i ( M ) is I -cominimax for all i . In fact, H I i ( M ) is I -cofinite for all i 1 . Also, we prove that for a weakly Laskerian R -module M , if R is local and t is a non-negative integer such that dim Supp H I i ( M ) 2 for all i < t , then Ext R j ( R / I , H I i ( M ) ) and Hom R ( R / I , H I t ( M ) ) are weakly Laskerian for all i < t and all j 0 . As a consequence, the set of associated primes of H I i ( M ) is finite for all i 0 , whenever dim R / I 2 and...

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