Displaying 41 – 60 of 80

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On the local uniformization problem

Josnei Novacoski, Mark Spivakovsky (2016)

Banach Center Publications

In this paper we give a short introduction to the local uniformization problem. This follows a similar line as the one presented by the second author in his talk at ALANT 3. We also discuss our paper on the reduction of local uniformization to the rank one case. In that paper, we prove that in order to obtain local uniformization for valuations centered at objects of a subcategory of the category of noetherian integral domains, it is enough to prove it for rank one valuations centered at objects...

One-fibered ideals in 2-dimensional rational singularities that can be desingularized by blowing up the unique maximal ideal

Veronique Lierde (2011)

Open Mathematics

Let (R;m) be a 2-dimensional rational singularity with algebraically closed residue field and whose associated graded ring is an integrally closed domain. Göhner has shown that for every prime divisor v of R, there exists a unique one-fibered complete m-primary ideal A v in R with unique Rees valuation v and such that any complete m-primary ideal with unique Rees valuation v, is a power of A v. We show that for v ≠ ordR, A v is the inverse transform of a simple complete ideal in an immediate quadratic...

Proximity relations for real rank one valuations dominating a local regular ring.

Angel Granja, Cristina Rodríguez (2003)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We study 0-dimensional real rank one valuations centered in a regular local ring of dimension n > 2 such that the associated valuation ring can be obtained from the regular ring by a sequence of quadratic transforms. We define two classical invariants associated to the valuation (the refined proximity matrix and the multiplicity sequence) and we show that are equivalent data of the valuation.

Regularity and intersections of bracket powers

Neil Epstein (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Among reduced Noetherian prime characteristic commutative rings, we prove that a regular ring is precisely that where the finite intersection of ideals commutes with taking bracket powers. However, reducedness is essential for this equivalence. Connections are made with Ohm-Rush content theory, intersection-flatness of the Frobenius map, and various flatness criteria.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 80