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Implicit function theorem for locally blow-analytic functions

Laurentiu Paunescu (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we prove the implicit function theorem for locally blow-analytic functions, and as an interesting application of using blow-analytic homeomorphisms, we describe a very easy way to resolve singularities of analytic curves.

Inner metric properties of 2-dimensional semi-algebraic sets.

L. Bröcker, M. Kuppe, W. Scheufler (1997)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

We consider 2-dimensional semialgebraic topological manifolds from the differentialgeometric point of view. Curvatures at singularities are defined and a Gauss-Bonnet formula holds. Moreover, Aleksandrov's axioms for an intrinsic geometry of surfaces are fulfilled.

Invariance of domain in o-minimal structures

Rafał Pierzchała (2001)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The aim of this paper is to prove the theorem on invariance of domain in an arbitrary o-minimal structure. We do not make use of the methods of algebraic topology and the proof is based merely on some basic facts about cells and cell decompositions.

Invariants of real symplectic four-manifolds out of reducible and cuspidal curves

Jean-Yves Welschinger (2006)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We construct invariants under deformation of real symplectic four-manifolds. These invariants are obtained by counting three different kinds of real rational J -holomorphic curves which realize a given homology class and pass through a given real configuration of (the appropriate number of) points. These curves are cuspidal curves, reducible curves and curves with a prescribed tangent line at some real point of the configuration. They are counted with respect to some sign defined by the parity of...

Invertible polynomial mappings via Newton non-degeneracy

Ying Chen, Luis Renato G. Dias, Kiyoshi Takeuchi, Mihai Tibăr (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove a sufficient condition for the Jacobian problem in the setting of real, complex and mixed polynomial mappings. This follows from the study of the bifurcation locus of a mapping subject to a new Newton non-degeneracy condition.

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