Regularity bounds by minimal generators and Hilbert function.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14Q05, 14Q15, 14R20, 14D22.Let Hg be the moduli space of genus g hyperelliptic curves. In this note, we study the locus Hg (G,σ) in Hg of curves admitting a G-action of given ramification type σ and inclusions between such loci. For each genus we determine the list of all possible groups, the inclusions among the loci, and the corresponding equations of the generic curve in Hg (G, σ). The proof of the results is based solely on representations of finite subgroups...
We introduce and study the notion of Taylorian points of algebraic curves in , which enables us to define intrinsic Taylor interpolation polynomials on curves. These polynomials in turn lead to the construction of a well-behaved Hermitian scheme on curves, of which we give several examples. We show that such Hermitian schemes can be collected to obtain Hermitian bivariate polynomial interpolation schemes.
A monomial curve is a curve parametrized by monomials. The degree of the secant variety of a monomial curve is given in terms of the sequence of exponents of the monomials defining the curve. Likewise, the degree of the join of two monomial curves is given in terms of the two sequences of exponents.
We discuss problems on Hankel determinants and the classical moment problem related to and inspired by certain Vandermonde determinants for polynomial interpolation on (quadratic) algebraic curves in ℂ².