A note on generalized Perron complements of -matrices.
We present a sufficient regularity condition for interval matrices which generalizes two previously known ones. It is formulated in terms of positive definiteness of a certain point matrix, and can also be used for checking positive definiteness of interval matrices. Comparing it with Beeck’s strong regularity condition, we show by counterexamples that none of the two conditions is more general than the other one.
We prove that if an n×n matrix defined over ℚ ₚ (or more generally an arbitrary complete, discretely-valued, non-Archimedean field) satisfies a certain congruence property, then it has a strictly maximal eigenvalue in ℚ ₚ, and that iteration of the (normalized) matrix converges to a projection operator onto the corresponding eigenspace. This result may be viewed as a p-adic analogue of the Perron-Frobenius theorem for positive real matrices.
Let σ=(λ1,...,λn) be the spectrum of a nonnegative real n × n matrix. It is shown that σ is the spectrum of a nonnegative real n × n matrix having at most nonzero entries.
Suppose that is an nonnegative matrix whose eigenvalues are . Fiedler and others have shown that , for all , with equality for any such if and only if is the simple cycle matrix. Let be the signed sum of the determinants of the principal submatrices of of order , . We use similar techniques to Fiedler to show that Fiedler’s inequality can be strengthened to: , for all . We use this inequality to derive the inequality that: . In the spirit of a celebrated conjecture due to Boyle-Handelman,...