Displaying 41 – 60 of 219

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Determinants of matrices associated with incidence functions on posets

Shaofang Hong, Qi Sun (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let S = { x 1 , , x n } be a finite subset of a partially ordered set P . Let f be an incidence function of P . Let [ f ( x i x j ) ] denote the n × n matrix having f evaluated at the meet x i x j of x i and x j as its i , j -entry and [ f ( x i x j ) ] denote the n × n matrix having f evaluated at the join x i x j of x i and x j as its i , j -entry. The set S is said to be meet-closed if x i x j S for all 1 i , j n . In this paper we get explicit combinatorial formulas for the determinants of matrices [ f ( x i x j ) ] and [ f ( x i x j ) ] on any meet-closed set S . We also obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the matrices...

Eigenvalue distribution of certain ray patterns

Carolyn A. Eschenbach, Frank J. Hall, Zhongshan Li (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, the eigenvalue distribution of complex matrices with certain ray patterns is investigated. Cyclically real ray patterns and ray patterns that are signature similar to real sign patterns are characterized, and their eigenvalue distribution is discussed. Among other results, the following classes of ray patterns are characterized: ray patterns that require eigenvalues along a fixed line in the complex plane, ray patterns that require eigenvalues symmetric about a fixed line, and ray...

Elementary triangular matrices and inverses of k-Hessenberg and triangular matrices

Luis Verde-Star (2015)

Special Matrices

We use elementary triangular matrices to obtain some factorization, multiplication, and inversion properties of triangular matrices. We also obtain explicit expressions for the inverses of strict k-Hessenberg matrices and banded matrices. Our results can be extended to the cases of block triangular and block Hessenberg matrices. An n × n lower triangular matrix is called elementary if it is of the form I + C, where I is the identity matrix and C is lower triangular and has all of its nonzero entries...

Equalities for orthogonal projectors and their operations

Yongge Tian (2010)

Open Mathematics

A complex square matrix A is called an orthogonal projector if A 2 = A = A*, where A* denotes the conjugate transpose of A. In this paper, we give a comprehensive investigation to matrix expressions consisting of orthogonal projectors and their properties through ranks of matrices. We first collect some well-known rank formulas for orthogonal projectors and their operations, and then establish various new rank formulas for matrix expressions composed by orthogonal projectors. As applications, we...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 219