Hermitian and quadratic forms over Crossed-product orders
Let R be a complete discrete valuation ring with quotient field K, L/K be a Galois extension with Galois group G and S be the integral closure of R in L. If a is a factor set of G with values in the group of units of S, then (L/K,a) (resp. Λ =(S/R,a)) denotes the crossed product K-algebra (resp. crossed product R -order in A). In this paper hermitian and quadratic forms on Λ -lattices are studied and the existence of at most two irreducible non-singular quadratic Λ -lattices is proved (Theorem 3.5)....
Let A be a k-algebra and G be a group acting on A. We show that G also acts on the Hochschild cohomology algebra HH ⊙ (A) and that there is a monomorphism of rings HH ⊙ (A) G→HH ⊙ (A[G]). That allows us to show the existence of a monomorphism from HH ⊙ (Ã) G into HH ⊙ (A), where à is a Galois covering with group G.