Foncteurs d'omission de structures algébriques Christian Lair (1971) Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques
Free algebras and automata realizations in the language of categories Jiří Adámek (1974) Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
Frontiers of infinite trees Bruno Courcelle (1978) RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications
Functional separation of inductive limits and representation of presheaves by sections. Part III: Some special cases of separation of inductive limits of presheaves Jaroslav Drahoš (1980) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Functional separation of inductive limits and representation of presheaves by sections. Part IV: Representation of presheaves by sections Jaroslav Drahoš (1980) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Functional separation of inductive limits and representation of presheaves by sections. Part II. Embedding of presheaves into presheaves of compact spaces Jaroslav Drahoš (1979) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Functional separation of inductive limits and representation of presheaves by sections. Part one: Separation theorems for inductive limits of closured presheaves Jaroslav Drahoš (1978) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal