Displaying 181 – 200 of 505

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Matrix coefficients, counting and primes for orbits of geometrically finite groups

Amir Mohammadi, Hee Oh (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let G : = SO ( n , 1 ) and Γ ( n - 1 ) / 2 for n = 2 , 3 and when δ > n - 2 for n 4 , we obtain an effective archimedean counting result for a discrete orbit of Γ in a homogeneous space H G where H is the trivial group, a symmetric subgroup or a horospherical subgroup. More precisely, we show that for any effectively well-rounded family { T H G } of compact subsets, there exists η > 0 such that # [ e ] Γ T = ( T ) + O ( ( T ) 1 - η ) for an explicit measure on H G which depends on Γ . We also apply the affine sieve and describe the distribution of almost primes on orbits of Γ in arithmetic settings....

Modular embeddings and rigidity for Fuchsian groups

Robert A. Kucharczyk (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

We prove a rigidity theorem for semiarithmetic Fuchsian groups: If Γ₁, Γ₂ are two semiarithmetic lattices in PSL(2,ℝ ) virtually admitting modular embeddings, and f: Γ₁ → Γ₂ is a group isomorphism that respects the notion of congruence subgroups, then f is induced by an inner automorphism of PGL(2,ℝ ).

Modules over group rings of soluble groups with a certain condition of maximality

Olga Dashkova (2011)

Open Mathematics

Let A be an R G-module, where R is an integral domain and G is a soluble group. Suppose that C G(A) = 1 and A/C A(G) is not a noetherian R-module. Let L nnd(G) be the family of all subgroups H of G such that A/C A(H) is not a noetherian R-module. In this paper we study the structure of those G for which L nnd(G) satisfies the maximal condition.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 505