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Monoides parcialmente aditivos en la teoría de la información.

A. Bahamonde Rionda, J. S. López García (1985)


Partially-additive monoids (pams) were introduced by Arbib and Manes ([1]) in order to provide an algebraic approach to the semantic of recursion in theoretical computer science. Here we extend the range of application of pams for capturing information theory concepts as componibility and sequential continuity, which arise naturally in this framework.

Monotonic valuations of π σ -triads and evaluations of ideals

Josef Mlček (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We develop problems of monotonic valuations of triads. A theorem on monotonic valuations of triads of the type π σ is presented. We study, using the notion of the monotonic valuation, representations of ideals by monotone and subadditive mappings. We prove, for example, that there exists, for each ideal J of the type π on a set A , a monotone and subadditive set-mapping h on P ( A ) with values in non-negative rational numbers such that J = h - 1 ' ' { r Q ; r 0 & r 0 } . Some analogical results are proved for ideals of the types σ , σ π and...

Morphismes sturmiens et règles de Rauzy

Filippo Mignosi, Patrice Séébold (1993)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Nous donnons une caractérisation complète de tous les morphismes binaires qui préservent les mots sturmiens et montrons que les mots infinis engendrés par ces morphismes sont rigides.

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