About solutions of a functional equation.
The Levi-Civita functional equation (g,h ∈ G), for scalar functions on a topological semigroup G, has as the solutions the functions which have finite-dimensional orbits in the right regular representation of G, that is the matrix elements of G. In considerations of some extensions of the L-C equation one encounters with other geometric problems, for example: 1) which vectors x of the space X of a representation have orbits O(x) that are “close” to a fixed finite-dimensional subspace? 2) for...
Algebraic aspects of web geometry, namely its connections with the quasigroup and loop theory, the theory of local differential quasigroups and loops, and the theory of local algebras are discussed.
We prove that any topological group of a non-measurable cardinality is hereditarily paracompact and strongly σ-discrete as soon as it is submaximal. Consequently, such a group is zero-dimensional. Examples of uncountable maximal separable spaces are constructed in ZFC.
Let G be a countably infinite group. We show that for every finite absolute coretract S, there is a regular left invariant topology on G whose ultrafilter semigroup is isomorphic to S. As consequences we prove that (1) there is a right maximal idempotent in βG∖G which is not strongly right maximal, and (2) for each combination of the properties of being extremally disconnected, irresolvable, and nodec, except for the combination (-,-,+), there is a corresponding regular almost maximal left invariant...
Let and be groups and let be an extension of by . Given a property of group compactifications, one can ask whether there exist compactifications and of and such that the universal -compactification of is canonically isomorphic to an extension of by . We prove a theorem which gives necessary and sufficient conditions for this to occur for general properties and then apply this result to the almost periodic and weakly almost periodic compactifications of .