A characterization of algebraic measures
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Peter Ashley Lawrence (1973)
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
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Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
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Félix Galindo, Javier Sanz (2001)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
A multiresolution analysis is defined in a class of locally compact abelian groups . It is shown that the spaces of integrable functions and the complex Radon measures admit a simple characterization in terms of this multiresolution analysis.
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Colloquium Mathematicae
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Gilles Godefroy (1974/1975)
Séminaire Choquet. Initiation à l'analyse
Marthe Grandet-Hugot (1976/1977)
Séminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou. Théorie des nombres
H. G. Feichtinger, S. S. Pandey (2003)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Using the techniques of approximation and factorization of convolution operators we study the problem of irregular sampling of band-limited functions on a locally compact Abelian group . The results of this paper relate to earlier work by Feichtinger and Gröchenig in a similar way as Kluvánek’s work published in 1969 relates to the classical Shannon Sampling Theorem. Generally speaking we claim that reconstruction is possible as long as there is sufficient high sampling density. Moreover, the iterative...
William Wistar Comfort, S. U. Raczkowski, F. Javier Trigos-Arrieta (2004)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Throughout this abstract, is a topological Abelian group and is the space of continuous homomorphisms from into the circle group in the compact-open topology. A dense subgroup of is said to determine if the (necessarily continuous) surjective isomorphism given by is a homeomorphism, and is determined if each dense subgroup of determines . The principal result in this area, obtained independently by L. Außenhofer and M. J. Chasco, is the following: Every metrizable group is...
Artur Hideyuki Tomita (1998)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
It was known that free Abelian groups do not admit a Hausdorff compact group topology. Tkachenko showed in 1990 that, under CH, a free Abelian group of size admits a Hausdorff countably compact group topology. We show that no Hausdorff group topology on a free Abelian group makes its -th power countably compact. In particular, a free Abelian group does not admit a Hausdorff -compact nor a sequentially compact group topology. Under CH, we show that a free Abelian group does not admit a Hausdorff...
Daniel Oberlin (1986)
Studia Mathematica
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Mathematica Scandinavica
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