Easure and Integration in the Alternative set Theory
Let denote the isometry group of . We prove that if G is a paradoxical subgroup of then there exist G-equidecomposable Jordan domains with piecewise smooth boundaries and having different volumes. On the other hand, we construct a system of Jordan domains with differentiable boundaries and of the same volume such that has the cardinality of the continuum, and for every amenable subgroup G of , the elements of are not G-equidecomposable; moreover, their interiors are not G-equidecomposable...
The monotone expectation is defined as a functional over fuzzy measures on finite sets. The functional is based on Choquet functional over capacities and its more relevant properties are proved, including the generalization of classical mathematical expectation and Dempster's upper and lower expectations of an evidence. In second place, the monotone expectation is used to define measures of fuzzy sets. Such measures are compared with the ones based on Sugeno integral. Finally, we prove a generalization...