Une généralisation du théorème de Kolmogorov-Aronszajn «Processus -bornés -dimensionnels : domaine spectral § dilatations stationnaires»
Some new results about uniform (s)-boundedness for regular (l)-group-valued set functions are given.
Let X be a Banach space, a norming set and (X,B) the topology on X of pointwise convergence on B. We study the following question: given two (non-negative, countably additive and finite) measures μ₁ and μ₂ on Baire(X,w) which coincide on Baire(X,(X,B)), does it follow that μ₁ = μ₂? It turns out that this is not true in general, although the answer is affirmative provided that both μ₁ and μ₂ are convexly τ-additive (e.g. when X has the Pettis Integral Property). For a Banach space Y not containing...