On integration and the Radon-Nikodym theorem in quasicomplete locally convex topological vector spaces.
A generalization of I. Dobrakov’s integral to complete bornological locally convex spaces is given.
We study integration of Banach space-valued functions with respect to Banach space-valued measures. We focus our attention on natural extensions to this setting of the Birkhoff and McShane integrals. The corresponding generalization of the Birkhoff integral was first considered by Dobrakov under the name -integral. Our main result states that -integrability implies McShane integrability in contexts in which the later notion is definable. We also show that a function is measurable and McShane integrable...
In the paper we deal with the Kurzweil-Stieltjes integration of functions having values in a Banach space We extend results obtained by Štefan Schwabik and complete the theory so that it will be well applicable to prove results on the continuous dependence of solutions to generalized linear differential equations in a Banach space. By Schwabik, the integral exists if has a bounded semi-variation on and is regulated on We prove that this integral has sense also if is regulated on ...
Let be a commutative Hausdorff locally solid lattice group. In this paper we prove the following: (1) If has the (iii)-property, then its completion is an order-complete locally solid lattice group. (2) If is order-complete and has the Fatou property, then the order intervals of are -complete. (3) If has the Fatou property, then is order-dense in and has the Fatou property. (4) The order-bound topology on any commutative lattice group is the finest locally solid topology on...