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A characterization of tribes with respect to the Łukasiewicz t -norm

Erich Peter Klement, Mirko Navara (1997)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give a complete characterization of tribes with respect to the Łukasiewicz t -norm, i. e., of systems of fuzzy sets which are closed with respect to the complement of fuzzy sets and with respect to countably many applications of the Łukasiewicz t -norm. We also characterize all operations with respect to which all such tribes are closed. This generalizes the characterizations obtained so far for other fundamental t -norms, e. g., for the product t -norm.

A local approach to g -entropy

Mehdi Rahimi (2015)


In this paper, a local approach to the concept of g -entropy is presented. Applying the Choquet‘s representation Theorem, the introduced concept is stated in terms of g -entropy.

A reflection on what is a membership function.

Enric Trillas, Claudi Alsina (1999)

Mathware and Soft Computing

This paper is just a first approach to the idea that the membership function μP of a fuzzy set labelled P is, basically, a measure on the set of linguistic expressions x is P for each x in the corresponding universe of discourse X. Estimating that the meaning of P (relatively to X) is nothing else than the use of P on X, these measures seem to be reached by generalizing to a preordered set the concept of Fuzzy Measure, introduced by M. Sugeno, when the preorder translates the primary use of the...

Aggregation operators and fuzzy measures on hypographs

Doretta Vivona, Maria Divari (2002)


In a fuzzy measure space we study aggregation operators by means of the hypographs of the measurable functions. We extend the fuzzy measures associated to these operators to more general fuzzy measures and we study their properties.

Algebras difusas.

Javier Montero de Juan (1985)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

En este trabajo se propone una estructura de álgebra difusa (borrosa) basada en la distinción entre difusidad extensiva y comprehensiva, desarrollando y conectando los trabajos de Nahmias sobre variables difusas, de Klement sobre medibilidad difusa y de Nowakowska sobre estructuras de conceptos.

An inquiry-based method for Choquet integral-based aggregation of interface usability parameters

Miguel-Ángel Sicilia, Elena García Barriocanal, Tomasa Calvo (2003)


The concept of usability of man-machine interfaces is usually judged in terms of a number of aspects or attributes that are known to be subject to some rough correlations, and that are in many cases given different importance, depending on the context of use of the application. In consequence, the automation of judgment processes regarding the overall usability of concrete interfaces requires the design of aggregation operators that are capable of modeling approximate or ill-defined interactions...

Approximations of lattice-valued possibilistic measures

Ivan Kramosil (2005)


Lattice-valued possibilistic measures, conceived and developed in more detail by G. De Cooman in 1997 [2], enabled to apply the main ideas on which the real-valued possibilistic measures are founded also to the situations often occurring in the real world around, when the degrees of possibility, ascribed to various events charged by uncertainty, are comparable only quantitatively by the relations like “greater than” or “not smaller than”, including the particular cases when such degrees are not...

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