Subordination results for a class of analytic functions defined by a linear operator.
We introduce two classes of analytic functions related to conic domains, using a new linear multiplier Dziok-Srivastava operator
We consider the Löwner-Kufarev differential equations generating univalent maps of the unit disk onto domains bounded by analytic Jordan curves. A solution to the problem of the maximal lifetime shows how long a representation of such functions admits using infinitesimal generators analytically extendable outside the unit disk. We construct a Löwner-Kufarev chain consisting of univalent quadratic polynomials and compare the Löwner-Kufarev representations of bounded and arbitrary univalent functions....
Various derivative estimates for functions of exponential type in a half-plane are proved in this paper. The reader will also find a related result about functions analytic in a quadrant. In addition, the paper contains a result about functions analytic in a strip. Our main tool in this study is the Schwarz-Pick theorem from the geometric theory of functions. We also use the Phragmén-Lindelöf principle, which is of course standard in such situations.
In the space A-∞(D) of functions of polynomial growth, weakly sufficient sets are those such that the topology induced by restriction to the set coincides with the topology of the original space. Horowitz, Korenblum and Pinchuk defined sampling sets for A-∞(D) as those such that the restriction of a function to the set determines the type of growth of the function. We show that sampling sets are always weakly sufficient, that weakly sufficient sets are always of uniqueness, and provide examples...