Conforme Abbildung der Oberfläche eines Tetraeders auf die Oberfläche einer Kugel.
We prove that the Carathéodory discs for doubly connected domains in the complex plane are connected.
Numerical approximation schemes are discussed for the solution of contaminant transport with adsorption in dual-well flow. The method is based on time stepping and operator splitting for the transport with adsorption and diffusion. The nonlinear transport is solved by Godunov’s method. The nonlinear diffusion is solved by a finite volume method and by Newton’s type of linearization. The efficiency of the method is discussed.
In this paper we generalize Wiener’s characterization of continuous measures to compact homogenous manifolds. In particular, we give necessary and sufficient conditions on probability measures on compact semisimple Lie groups and nilmanifolds to be continuous. The methods use only simple properties of heat kernels.
Radii of convexity, starlikeness, lemniscate starlikeness and close-to-convexity are determined for the convex combination of the identity map and a normalized convex function F given by f(z) = α z+(1−α)F(z).