Induced hyperbolicity for one-dimensional maps.
Jordan analytic curves which are invariant under rational functions are studied.
In this paper, we consider a random entire function defined by a random Dirichlet series where are independent and complex valued variables, . We prove that under natural conditions, for some random entire functions of order zero almost surely every horizontal line is a Julia line without an exceptional value. The result improve a theorem of J. R. Yu: Julia lines of random Dirichlet series. Bull. Sci. Math. 128 (2004), 341–353, by relaxing condition on the distribution of for such function...
The purpose of the present paper is to represent non-holomorphic functions depending on one or several complex variables by holomorphic and anti-holomorphic functions depending on only one complex variable. Similarly as in the case of functions of real variables, the obtained criteria can also be interpreted as conditions for the solvability of functional equations.