Displaying 61 – 80 of 128

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On strong tracts of subharmonic functions of infinite lower order

I. I. Marchenko, A. Szkibiel (2007)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The notion of a strong asymptotic tract for subharmonic functions is defined. Eremenko's value b(∞,u) for subharmonic functions is introduced and it is used to provide an exact upper estimate of the number of strong tracts of subharmonic functions of infinite lower order. It is also shown that b(∞,u) ≤ π for subharmonic functions of infinite lower order.

On the growth of an algebroid function with radially distributed values

Nan Wu, Jian Hua Zheng (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We investigate how the growth of an algebroid function could be affected by the distribution of the arguments of its a-points in the complex plane. We give estimates of the growth order of an algebroid function with radially distributed values, which are counterparts of results for meromorphic functions with radially distributed values.

Sobolev Type Decomposition of Paley-Wiener-Schwartz Space with Application to Sampling Theory

Dryanov, Dimiter (2007)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 94A12, 94A20, 30D20, 41A05.We characterize Paley-Wiener-Schwartz space of entire functions as a union of three-parametric linear normed subspaces determined by the type of the entire functions, their polynomial asymptotic on the real line, and the index p ≥ 1 of a Sobolev type Lp-summability on the real line with an appropriate weight function. An entire function belonging to a sub-space of the decomposition is exactly recovered by a sampling series, locally...

Solutions méromorphes sur d’un système d’équations aux différences à coefficients constants et à deux pas récurrents

Jean-Claude Jolly (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

On s’intéresse aux solutions méromorphes sur d’un système de deux équations aux différences à coefficients constants et à deux pas récurrents. Lorsqu’on fait varier ce système, les solutions décrivent une certaine algèbre 𝒟 [ s , t ] en rapport avec les fonctions elliptiques habituelles et celles de deuxième espèce de Hermite, ainsi que la fonction Z de Jacobi. Pour un système donné, les solutions trouvées forment sur le corps des fonctions elliptiques un espace vectoriel de dimension finie, en rapport...

Some further results on meromorphic functions that share two sets

Qi Han, Hong-Xun Yi (2008)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

This paper concerns the uniqueness of meromorphic functions and shows that there exists a set S ⊂ ℂ of eight elements such that any two nonconstant meromorphic functions f and g in the open complex plane ℂ satisfying E 3 ) ( S , f ) = E 3 ) ( S , g ) and Ē(∞,f) = Ē(∞,g) are identical, which improves a result of H. X. Yi. Also, some other related results are obtained, which generalize the results of G. Frank, E. Mues, M. Reinders, C. C. Yang, H. X. Yi, P. Li, M. L. Fang and H. Guo, and others.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 128