Markov inequality in several variables. (Inégalité de Markov en plusieurs variables.)
Let f be meromorphic on the compact set E ⊂ C with maximal Green domain of meromorphy , ρ(f) < ∞. We investigate rational approximants of f on E with numerator degree ≤ n and denominator degree ≤ mₙ. We show that a geometric convergence rate of order on E implies uniform maximal convergence in m₁-measure inside if mₙ = o(n/log n) as n → ∞. If mₙ = o(n), n → ∞, then maximal convergence in capacity inside can be proved at least for a subsequence Λ ⊂ ℕ. Moreover, an analogue of Walsh’s...
Classical Bargmann’s representation is given by operators acting on the space of holomorphic functions with scalar product . We consider the problem of representing the functional F as a measure. We prove the existence of such a measure for q > 1 and investigate some of its properties like uniqueness and radiality.
The Pompeiu and the Morera problems have been studied in many contexts and generality. For example in different spaces, with different groups, locally, without an invariant measure, etc. The variations obtained exhibit the fascination of these problems.In this paper we present a new aspect: we study the case in which the functions have values over a Clifford Algebra. We show that in this context it is completely natural to consider the Morera problem and its variations. Specifically, we show the...
We discuss the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for a class of second order quasilinear equations. To obtain our results we will use the Ekeland variational principle and the Mountain Pass Theorem.