Regulated domains and Bergman type projections.
We consider the set of representing measures at 0 for the disc and the ball algebra. The structure of the extreme elements of these sets is investigated. We give particular attention to representing measures for the 2-ball algebra which arise by lifting representing measures for the disc algebra.
A full description of the membership in the Schatten ideal for 0 < p < ∞ of Toeplitz operators acting on large weighted Bergman spaces is obtained.
We consider a complete connected noncompact Riemannian manifold M with bounded geometry and spectral gap. We prove that the imaginary powers of the Laplacian and the Riesz transform are bounded from the Hardy space X¹(M), introduced in previous work of the authors, to L¹(M).
The Hardy spaces of Dirichlet series, denoted by (p ≥ 1), have been studied by Hedenmalm et al. (1997) when p = 2 and by Bayart (2002) in the general case. In this paper we study some -generalizations of spaces of Dirichlet series, particularly two families of Bergman spaces, denoted and . Each could appear as a “natural” way to generalize the classical case of the unit disk. We recover classical properties of spaces of analytic functions: boundedness of point evaluation, embeddings between...
We study the reproducing kernel Hilbert space with kernel kd , where d is a positive integer and k is the reproducing kernel of the analytic Dirichlet space.
We prove some optimal estimates of Hölder-logarithmic type in the Hardy-Sobolev spaces , where , and is either the open unit disk or the annular domain , of the complex space . More precisely, we study the behavior on the interior of of any function belonging to the unit ball of the Hardy-Sobolev spaces from its behavior on any open connected subset of the boundary of with respect to the -norm. Our results can be viewed as an improvement and generalization of those established...