Résolution du pour les courants prolongeables définis dans un anneau
On résout le pour les formes admettant une valeur au bord au sens des courants sur un domaine strictement pseudoconvexe de .
Let M be an open subset of a compact strongly pseudoconvex hypersurface {ρ = 0} defined by M = D × Cn-m ∩ {ρ = 0}, where 1 ≤ m ≤ n-2, D = {σ(z1, ..., zm) < 0} ⊂ Cm is strongly pseudoconvex in Cm. For ∂b closed (0, q) forms f on M, we prove the semi-global existence theorem for ∂b if 1 ≤ q ≤ n-m-2, or if q = n - m - 1 and f satisfies an additional “moment condition”. Most importantly, the solution operator satisfies Lp estimates for 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ with p = 1 and ∞ included.
Il est montré que la condition de Blaschke est nécessaire et suffisante pour qu’un sous-ensemble analytique du domaine soit l’ensemble des zéros d’une fonction de la classe de Nevanlinna.
Let M be a smooth q-concave CR submanifold of codimension k in . We solve locally the -equation on M for (0,r)-forms, 0 ≤ r ≤ q-1 or n-k-q+1 ≤ r ≤ n-k, with sharp interior estimates in Hölder spaces. We prove the optimal regularity of the -operator on (0,q)-forms in the same spaces. We also obtain estimates at top degree. We get a jump theorem for (0,r)-forms (r ≤ q-2 or r ≥ n-k-q+1) which are CR on a smooth hypersurface of M. We prove some generalizations of the Hartogs-Bochner-Henkin extension...
In this paper we investigate some applications of the trace condition for pluriharmonic functions on a smooth, bounded domain in Cn. This condition, related to the normal component on ∂D of the ∂-operator, permits us to study the Neumann problem for pluriharmonic functions and the ∂-problem for (0,1)-forms on D with solutions having assigned real part on the boundary.
We give some characterizations of the class and use them to establish a lower estimate for the log canonical threshold of plurisubharmonic functions in this class.
We present a collection of problems in complex analysis and complex dynamics in several variables.
We find a bounded solution of the non-homogeneous Monge-Ampère equation under very weak assumptions on its right hand side.