Stein Neighborhoods for Finite Preimages of Regular Domain.
The aim of the paper is to investigate subextensions with boundary values of certain plurisubharmonic functions without changing the Monge-Ampère measures. From the results obtained, we deduce that if a given sequence is convergent in -capacity then the sequence of the Monge-Ampère measures of subextensions is weakly*-convergent. As an application, we investigate the Dirichlet problem for a nonnegative measure μ in the class ℱ(Ω,g) without the assumption that μ vanishes on all pluripolar sets.
We prove that subextension of certain plurisubharmonic functions is always possible without increasing the total Monge-Ampère mass.
Dans cet article on montre que toute a une décomposition avec pour les domaines pseudoconvexes à frontière réelle-analytique et aussi pour les domaines pseudoconvexes pour lesquels le résultat soit valable localement.